The Leveling system

Please make only one leveling system,but meaningful one. Make the leveling system to 90,99 or 100 lvl,but those last 10 levels make them really hard and slow to get. I believe that will be the perfect solution for all:

  • The 90-100 levels are enough if you make the leveling slow, but rewarding, makeing the last 10 levels really hard to get
  • This will eliminate the need of another hollow system for leveling like the paragon one
  • Give us the feel of one complete system rather then something fragmentent and even confusing for new players that you’re targeting
  • Once reached max level this give us the satisfying feeling of completion
  • This will give you more freedom to focus on more endgame activities
    Thank you :slight_smile:

What exactly is this supposed to achieve?

Will I be spending 30% of the time leveling from 1 to 90 and then 70% from 90 to 100? Will I be doing endgame stuff at 90, and each level up after that will feel like a big jump in power?

I keep hearing people who want this, but so far the only real reason I heard was because it was that way in Diablo 2.

How is it going to make you focus more on endgame activities? Will I stop being able to focus on endgame activities once I have reached level 100 and achieved that satisfying feeling of completion?


No its not about the jump in power
Its about the reward
Its just something special, to come closer to the end
Nothing, an infinite system could provide


Doesn’t work that way. The last levels aren’t that important. That’s how it was in D2 and is in other games with similar leveling systems. There are no extra rewards for getting a higher level outside of the normal leveling rewards. There isn’t supposed to be some big incentive for reaching max level. It’s simply for the people who want to do it. If you require some incentive outside of the normal rewards and the sense of accomplishment isn’t enough then don’t go for max level.


Getting to lvl99 on D2 took a really really long time.
I usually gave up by lvl 97 because I got tired of endless baal runs.

That just seems like really outdated gamedesign to me. Make the highest possible level hard to reach so players have something to do after the campaign is over.

I don’t remember it so well because it’s been years since I played D2, but it essentially had farming runs for items, trading, and leveling in the endgame, right? Diablo 3 on the other hand has farming for items, rift pushing, and endless paragon levels in its endgame.

I can see why players want trading back because there’s just a subset of players across many different games that love trading. But when it comes to leveling, I don’t understand why a grindy final leveling stretch for personal accomplishment gets treated like the holy grail, whereas an infinite leveling system is avoided like the plague. I’m sure paragon has many faults, but I’m saying that nobody has given me any real advantages for the old way. They just end up throwing around hyperboles like “hollow, fragmented, confusing system.”

As far as I’m concerned, I don’t mind a longer leveling process at all. It feels pointless if the leveling stage of playing feels like a formality, instead of at least being the beginning of something new. But that’s no reason not to have a secondary leveling system that can go on forever. It just needs to be tuned well so that players can’t double their main stats after a month.


Endless grinding for that holy grail makes at least more sense than endless grinding for +5 +5 +5 +5 xD


How so? What is the difference between leveling an lv99 character with paragon 5000+ character?

Would you satisfied if Blizzard made leveling to lv99 took as long as paragon 10k in D3?


Probably because there is some end and accomplishment. Tell me what do you expect the paragon levels be a few more seasons 10k? 20k? and +5 main stat or probably a few more seasons D3 will be dead because people are already tired of the broken mechanics of the game…

untill level 99 there is actually happening stuff
like allocatable attribute and skillpoints
and no, paragon points are not the same


It is the same. You are just biased.

its not xD
getting to max level, is finishing your character
gaining paragons and adding +5 +5 +5 +5 +5, is just giving in to some power creep BS, because the game cant provide actual content

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The time to get to paragon 10k is just as tedious as Lv99 in D2 but apparently, it is OK for D2 but not for D3 case.

The end in D2 is 99. You can still get to 20k… 30k… 100k in D3.

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Based from the hack at console, paragon capped at 20k.

The paragon system that they are likely to use as it was mentioned at Blizzcon wouldn’t be linear, because that is the only way to control the power. Using diminishing returns to have both a soft cap and a hard cap that no one would ever reach would be the only way to control the power on an infinite system from pure combat side of things.

Then to top it off as needed insurance you could have other things that would not be about power that would be okay, think of it like a second achievement system where spending points in it unlocks the achievement, or in this case increases the customization options for your character. Want a different color fur for your werewolf spend the paragon points.

They do that then they don’t have to worry about power from an infinite system.

It’s not even remotely the same. One game delivers an experience that starts at max level, making everything you’ve found before it instantly trash. The other game gives you proper level progression with items found along the way being used throughout the experience. One game is making the max level the place to be and the other says you can be any level, wearing random leveled gear and still beat end game.

Paragon is just Diablo 2’s leveling system (albeit scaled WAY worse with ridiculous level numbers) on top of a broken 1-70 system. The reason they added paragon was 1-70 was pointless and it’s infinitely easier and faster to just make and balance content around the max level instead of having a proper 1-70 scale.

Again, the game telling us we’ve hit an invisible wall is BAD. We DON’T want to see the game’s barriers. We’re supposed to FEEL like we can make out character more and more powerful but we’re not supposed to realize we’re all done. Reaching level 99 takes so much time that I don’t think they realized a handful of people would actually reach it. It’s just an arbitrary number as a cap. It’s a cap for the sake of a cap, not a cap with the intention of meeting it and then starting the end of the game.


I feel like the amount of hours should definitely increase, with the first 20 levels or so feeling a bit like an extended tutorial (because of how much depth is hopefully in the game), where at level 20 you achieve your first and only complete re-specialisation point because you’ve grasped the core of the game.

Levels 1-20 [25 hours]

After level 20 new mechanics are introduced and the game progressively becomes more difficult, but also rewarding, where at reaching level 50 you achieve kind of a “soft” end game point and complete the main campaign (roughly 75-80 hours of game play)

Levels 20-50 [50 hours]

After this point you reach the END GAME where main campaign areas continue to scale to your level, further mechanics are added, faction reputation, bounties, keystone dungeons e.t.c

Levels 50-75 [100 hours]

After 75 you hit a sort of break point, where everything you’ve done before is still relevant, but you can start doing uber bosses, or special challenge events, and other potential end game activities…

Levels 75-100 [500 hours]

After this point you can start doing Primal Ubers, but you’ve lost your soul and your reason to live.


I’m hoping the “Paragon” system they’re looking at introducing is more like masteries, or the ascendencies from PoE, that add to character depth and specialisation and are bloody hard to earn and separate from the main levelling.

I also hope they’re not called “Paragons”, because that word has such a bad connotation now.


An overlapping leveling system is just bad design. There’s no good reason for it UNLESS your core leveling experience is a disaster HELLO D3. The fact that they’re thinking about introducing a fix to a problem that doesn’t and shouldn’t exist is worrying. Does D4 already have the same leveling problem that D3 had? If not, why on earth would you ever think of including the overlapping mess again? Don’t create the problem in the first place and multiple leveling system aren’t required!