The ideal Diablo 4 story

Leah is an Demi-demon yet nobody noticed it

That’s one instance I can think of on top of my head

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Actually quite a few had noticed, like Azmodan and Belial.

The only one who didn’t noticed, yet should’ve, was Tyrael. And even he surprised by himself not noticing.

Still I’m not sure he was aware the Triune were the PEs.

He knew early on that the Prime Evils had their hand in the Triune, it was a reason as to why he didn’t go out of his way of attacking and destroying the Triune because he knew it would risk drawing Heaven’s attention if he were to openly engage the Prime Evils.

Imagine how strong he will be when he’ll be augmented by concentrating all angels into himself

Is Belial smart enough for this? He’s the dumbest character of the whole franchise afterall

Can we all agree that some incongruity could have happen in that novel in term of logic and story

It’s the same author that copy pasted a typo making it official and changing the name of a major character forever lol… trag-Oul instead of Trang-Oul haha


D3 …nephalem=gods now Dinmoral are inmortals or shadows…
Im a human with a pottentional hidden to be a powerful being with training/fight with increible monster/demons… where are the demons and angels if a nephalem hasnt rival? What is the meaning of the story from d3? no matter that comes there will be a nephalem who is a kind of god who does 3billion dmg and without a rival, for the love of god if we have defeated Diablo with the powers of the seven in one and malthael also with the powers of the seven in one… what could be worse than that? they need to fix that.

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Yep, that’s in part the point of this story

Put Diablo 3 powercreep story on the shelf

Come back to more Human Vs demon aspect of the franchise

Nephalem are “gone”, well in fact never reactivated

Even in my story I acknowledge that overpower is a boring trope and that humans are no match for Godly creature, brining back the Hopeless feeling of Diablo 1 in the series

You will get wiped by Tathamet, only a god can face it

You get to be victorious only because the remaining god has been heavily weakened by the other one

And even there, it would need a unites humanity to bring it down

DEkard Cain still dies, but this time in a more respectful and heroic way

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