It holds all the recipes for most of the crafting in the game.
What would be one change you would like to see done to the Horadric cube?
Add new recipes?
Change recipes?
Add being able to change the color of armor or weapons?
It holds all the recipes for most of the crafting in the game.
What would be one change you would like to see done to the Horadric cube?
Add new recipes?
Change recipes?
Add being able to change the color of armor or weapons?
The only one I want to see:
If you open stash with telekinesis and then open the cube, the stash automatically closes, when you close only the cube.
What I think should change is the way the cube is used. I think that the cube should be used for it’s cube uses, not for storage. So, if you try to put items in there for storage that is not used for a cube recipe then it will go back to previous inventory/stash squares, or ground where you picked them up from to put in cube.
Changing armor color would be sweet!!!
Assuming they add a charm tab, I would appreciate another tab on your character inventory screen where you can use your cube. It would replace the physical cube in your inventory but once you click on the new cube “Cube Tab”, it would be like you are right clicking your cube function. But hey, I hear a small group of D2 purist running towards me with torches and pitchforks telling me to go and play other games while using “(20 characters min)” posts
keep this for lod only please, in classic item color is very huge thing, one of the things that make the price of the item. being able to change it’s color that way, would ruin alot.
Maybe add a list of recipes button to cube inventory, so players don’t need to alt tab the game and look them up on browser.
Yeah they need to add way more interactive navigatable interfaces
One change I’d like to see is the removal of ladder restriction on upgrading uniques from exceptional to elite for D2R. I also searched for years for an ethereal glorious axe for my SS druid. Being able to upgrade items could be cool. All of the item upgrade recipes are for unique or rates.
Already done.
Only new recipe i would add to it would be sacrificing an Item to imprint its Art on a standard of Heroes
then you can use that imprinted Standard of heroes to apply that Art on the item of your choice
But i would mostly improve its current craftings
-all hit power’s Frost nova when struck should go to Safety
this only for items they change the color of from the d2 character colors. shako was not green on a character in d2 it should not be green in d2r.
This makes me so happy! Thank you for this information!
You know, That would be nice for runewords.