The Devil wants sacrifices, not QoL!

Maybe you’re right. Be sure I don’t pretend the opposite.
However, I guess we just don’t really know…
Maybe it would be a very poorly-paid job :wink:

And again, my topic isn’t against a specific change, but about the sum of many QoL “improvements”.

i don’t agree, from my point of view QoL don’t make the game easier, they make it playable at a point where it’s not a pain in the a$$ to play it.
i like infinite stash for my holy grail, i like to move items in and out of inventory fast because it’s horrible otherwise, i like stackable runes because it just makes them more accesible and fast to manage and i like loot filters to not miss on important drops that can hide in the clutter.
the sum of these makes it easier or just playable? i think the latter…


I’m not against some QoL, you’re right saying that it must not be a “pain” to play.
My “price to pay” doesn’t mean the game should be tedious ^^

However, I don’t think old D2 isn’t “playable” without it.
In your custom “changes bundle”, some changes could have too much impact according to me.

The difficulty is to find the good amount of changes.
So, I hope Blizzard will just do what they said announcing D2R :wink:

Well, if people wouldn’t expect the changes they are asking for having an impact on the game they wouldn’t be asking for them.

It’s up to the devs to decide which changes would have a positive and which ones a negative impact.

I still think the best way to deal with it would be to make one “No change” mode and one “QoL” mode.

But are they really aware of all the consequences and possible side-effects ?
Don’t you think it would be quite pretentious to consider we can even predict them ?

I totally agree with this :slight_smile:
I’m just trying to influence them… :smiley: :smiley:

It sounds a bit complicated, excepted for a few facilities (like gold auto-pick).

I vote for a single “Few changes” :stuck_out_tongue:

No one wants infinite stash space, we want more stash space, like 8 tabs worth at least be nice. And would be very welcome change. And most people just get 2 accounts for switching stuff over anyways its just another step that is not needed. So shared stash is very welcome.
Gems and rune stacking would be good, most would want it to be stackable in stash only and not in inventory which would be fine by me. But nothing wrong with having them stack.
Charm inventory and personal loot not a fan of, mainly because it changes the game play too much. Having charm inventory allows you to stack your inventory full of potions making game really easy.
As for personal loot that effects the whole economy which is what makes lots people play ladders for fresh economy.
And infinite respec is all ready a thing… which is great. Something you have to work toward not just do it when every you want at least.

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Even if I defend the idea of keeping “efforts” and “sacrifices”, I must admit that current D2 stash is very small, especially when playing SP mode without any third-party program.

I’ve re-installed D2 recently and I’m playing it that way, but it’s quite hard to keep runes + a few gems + some MF stuff close to “performance” stuff :confused:
And I don’t even speak about more stuff which would allow a respec…

Stash management is a real challenge ^^

D2 never stood the test of time it didn’t have longevity it died around 2004-2005. You have to idea what you are talking about.

Nevermind, it died to become a myth, which is now… resurrected ! :slight_smile:


The devil may want sacrifices but since this is a video game where we are fighting against the devil who cares what he wants. There is a difference in having gameplay that is annoying/time consuming versus being challenging and engaging.

Making things less annoying does not make the game easier but leads to more player engagement over the longterm.

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Completely agreed Dyrio, thanks for making this.

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4000 posts, I can see how you made them, most of them pointless

To each their own. This is my cumulative post total since the diablo forum was redone in July 2019.

For D2R, Blizzard has already decided to add certain quality of life changes such as shared stash, a bigger chest 10x10 (versus 6x8), and a selectable option for auto-gold pickup. There are several more QoL changes that would add to the game. If you do not like QoL changes, the good news is that Blizzard has announced that D2 and D2:LoD will continue to exist after D2R release.

I think many confuse something that is time-consuming with difficulty. This is not the case.


I respectfully consider your point of view. However, some QoL suggestions wouldn’t impact difficulty only, but the overall game experience.

The fair amount of changes is quite hard to arbitrate…

Having read a few articles about D2R on the web, it seems many people are appreciating the actual work because it respects the original game, even with its old-fashioned features.

It seems improbable that Blizzard will try to turn D2R into a modern game. Hopefully.

That being said, I wouldn’t be surprised if they would do some minor changes on skills balancing or runewords. And it wouldn’t be a scandal.

(Quoted myself from another topic, sorry ^^)

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