Drink from ground?


Even if don’t want too much QoL features to be added to D2R (The Devil wants sacrifices, not QoL! - #30 by Dyrio-2825), I wonder about the opportunity to drink potions directly from ground, holding a dedicated key.

Actually, it’s not a very big deal since we can just drink a potion from belt with a single shortcut before to pick the one on ground.
However, in some cases I pick a potion into inventory then drink it from there rather than using my belt, since I don’t want to waste, for example, a full rejuv for a few health.

It could also work to heal the hireling, even it would probably be a 3-keys combination (the one to show tootips + usually Shift for hireling + the new drink key).

Not sure if it would be improved QoL, or if it would contribute to make the game easier…

What do you think ?


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makes no sense u dont wanne go and kil demons without potions in ur belt anyway.
and those potions u used to survive ( form ur belt ), u can fill up by picking up potions from the ground.

“making the game eazier” cmon this is not roblox

points for creativity… but no lol

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There would need to be tradeoffs, if you just need to hold a button down to absorb potions from the ground it would change gameplay and remove panic of trying to get a potion. If it was something like running by a potion and clicking it to directly drink you would think some kind of slowdown would need to be involved, or use up a bunch of stamina so it’s a risky proposition.

Changing just to speed things up has consequences.

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I often drink liquids directly from the ground. They can have very interesting flavors and you don’t need to dirty a cup. It’s all the same thing at the end of the day.

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Hmm… Yes, you’re right. It probably too much sounds like health and mana globes :confused:


So it would be a very roleplay feature :smiley:

That’s how i saw it right away in my head :slight_smile:

Yes, holding a key is probably a too cheap price.

I was just wondering about this while playing D2…

But this QoL point would definitely change the game experience.
Bad idea.

Meh idea’s are never bad, worst case thing’s people suggest might be incorporated into D4 somehow. Like you can choose to drink from walking over it but only get a small percentage of it as you are on the go, but I always think the panic of getting the potion sometimes gets the heart going.

i often drink things i find directly off the ground, so this would be a welcome change for me.

Not for D2 but I thought if you had a feature like that there would need to be a percentage chance of being poisoned or something.

Drinking potions from the ground act just like trapped chests sometimes :stuck_out_tongue: it’s just centered on your mouth.

Btw, how do you handle / fill your belt ?

I often go with 1 row of each (i.e health, mana and full rejuv) + 1 with TP scrolls.

Depends on the job, Ubers or Dclone or something of that nature it is all rejuvs I’ve saved up from runs. Otherwise MFin or simple runs as a sorc/necro I would probably have a single health line with 3 mana’s. I dunno hard to say :slight_smile:

Yeah, I also adapt my belt with the situation, and it also depends on the character, his build and his stuff (i.e how he consumes mana, how strong/weak is his health, how much he regenerates…).

In a way, belt / potions management is a part of the game. Maybe a bit too much in D2, however maybe not enough in D3 (even if the idea around legendary potions is interesting).

but why put tp scrolls in potion belt when you can just bind book of tp?

(ive played mods exclusively for a bit, so perhaps inventory space is your prohibitor?)

Cool idea, I admit. But I don’t really see the necessity.

Because TP binding needs 1 keyboard shortcut + 1 click while belt just need 1 keyboard shortcut. And sometimes TP is an emergency ^^

Futhermore, it frees up 2 slots in inventory.

I never did that :slight_smile: putting anything foreign into the belt would make it no longer pickup useful items, at times maybe put a vial in there for poison if I’m going after andy or something but otherwise I kept room in my inventory for one or two if I knew I would need them.