The Darkening of Tristram Returns January 3, 2025!

The Darkening of Tristram Returns January 3, 2025!

Our anniversary event is fast approaching! Prepare to face mysterious cultists and enter a portal into Diablo's past.

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Funny thing, you made changes to your website and yet provide a link that gets redirected to main Diablo 3 page instead of “Full Article”.

The correct link is:


What’s funny is the OP is posted by Blizzard Entertainment. Under that it says Blizzard News, which is where all the D3 information seems to be posted now. Including the Game Guide.

But the link in the OP to “View Full Article”   is:

The actual URL, as @mickeyknox posted, to the Event Blog in Blizzard News is:


At this point I’m just glad we got official news, from an official source, actually posted via official 1st party means on the official forums.

Because I was not just officially trying to see how many times I could fit “officially” into this post - I was also officially fed up with having to officially get official news from unofficial places like Reddit or X or wherever else that isn’t official Blizzard places.


Yeah. That’s why I gave the OP a like, even though they got the hyperlink wrong. (hehe)


OP is probably a script that didn’t get updated.

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The other day when I looked at a player profile and clicked on a passive (to check it out) I also got diverted to that general D3 info page. But that might be because of a difference between “mouse over” and “clicking”.

I let Bliz know about the bad link.


When a news article is published, it can be set to auto generate a forum post.


this is always fun to do

I checked Maxroll’s guide. And it looks like all rewards except one are purely cosmetic (I also count the pets as cosmetic since I got a flying one already). Correct?
Exception is the legendary gem RSS. While supposedly it ain’t too good, I might (or might not) try to get my paws on it. So do I need to be char lvl 1 doing An Eerie Red Glow Blurs Your Vision in order to get it? Or can it be obtained by my lvl70 char as well?

The Red Soul Shard drops always as long as you don’t have one in your inventory or stash. No other requirements.


NICE !!!

new old news.

It is meant to be used when speed farming. You farm around 6-8 tier lower than your highest push and stack levels fast. Better the effects when you are equipped with Captain Crimson’s Set, Obsidian ring or using In-geom. The damming issue is that when you speak to Orek to get your experience reward, you’ll be in town. So, its best use is generally in groups, where you get plenty of experience via speed farming or at your first level-up to level seventy, I believe.

You just need to use level 1 character for the achievement. Character level won’t matter and you’ll get the Red Soul Shard drop at the end of the dungeon.

For those doing the achievement, it needs to be completed in one run. This, and starting it level one are the 2 requirements. Best way to do it, is make a level 1 character the same class as your normal seasonal farming build, then with Altar, equip the level 70 gear from your main farmer, and speed run it.


wait …

are ppl discussing this ??? :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

I understand the appeal, I used to fall prey to this myself. But, you know how you can go broke chasing bargains? Like, Gatorade and Powerade both do this a lot at convenience stores. You’ll see the price is normally like $3 each, but you can get TWO for $5? So you buy both, cuz “hey, I saved a buck, and I’ll be thirsty later anyway” but you still SPENT more than you intended.

And regardless of whether that “later” ever comes, where you are thirsty enough, or otherwise “can NOW use what you bought earlier,” the fact is if you KEEP overbuying, overbuying, overbuying… perpetually chasing that sale that’s gonna “pay off in the long run” for you… eventually, you’ll realize tomorrow never came. You’re just stuck with tons of debt right now, because you kept blowing your daily budget on “future returns.”

Bird in hand, as opposed to two in the bush, as they say.

The sale is to your wallet as the Visions are to your enjoyment. If you keep chasing that “easy loot” at the expense of what you actually WANT to accomplish, and you’re going to find yourself having lots of difficulty accomplishing your smaller goals in this game. Which will ultimately undermine your fun with the game, and make you burn out or get bored or even grow a tad resentful. “Why must the game TEMPT me with this easy loot?!” You might catch yourself thinking along those lines.

Like it’s “too much of a good thing.” These aren’t just empty sayings. Adages and maxims survive the test of time for a reason.

By that argument, once you’ve played through the campaign and experienced the story you should just stop playing, because at that point the only thing left to do is to grind for more loot.

You deleted your post, which says more than any response I could ever write. However, for all that I think you’re still missing the point. The generalization of your (now redacted) complaint is:

“I am playing this game with the personal goal of X, but optional activity Y keeps presenting itself to me at inopportune times, the fulfillment of which directly conflicts with expediently achieving X. But I feel like I HAVE to do Y because it gives me easy rewards.”

Replace X with literally anything, such as “doing a bounty” or “finishing the campaign story.”

Replace Y, in this specific context, with Visions portals. But it could also be Cow Level, or Rainbow portal, or Vault, or basically anything else that isn’t DIRECTLY facilitating X.

The simplest solution would be to NOT do Y until you have achieved, or made subjectively sufficient progress on, X. But, I’m not a cop. It’s not for me to decide what you do, or don’t do, in your own spare time.

What’s going on, Blizz? You posted this but Season just ended in Asia with no notice.

I’m hoping I’m wrong, but I have a theory about that in the other thread:

Could you clarify what’s going on with season 33, please?