Unfortunately, this game is also being made for PS and Xbox at the same time, and what we want as PC players, “might” be making it to complicated for them.
But maybe I’m wrong.
I don’t think so. I’ve played D3 on all the systems, and I think they have learned a lot about how these types of games can work on consoles from observing other developers publishing things too.
Path of Exile and Titan Quest are on PS4 (they suck there personally, but it’s a learning experience). And there are some differences such as PC players being able to precision drop things like Fallen Sword on PC.
There are also control schemes for mmos and many other games that are very fluid between controller and mouse & keyboard.
However, the PS4 (and I assume Xbox One) can use a keyboard and mouse. All it will take is designing from the ground up to provide the choice between which input device you want to use.
There have been many nights on D3 that I would have enjoyed my mindless grinding with a controller.
All I want is a damn offline mode so I can preserve my copy of the game and play it whenever I choose, but apparently not even the console version will have that.
Ok, thanks for the info. That’s why I said “But maybe I’m wrong”. The last Console I had was a Sega Megadrive
Haha. I was just having a friendly conversation I hope they do a good job on the game. Unfortunately, I think a lot of people are going to let their hopes and dreams get out of control and they will be disappointed no matter what the final product looks like.
You’re quite bold speakinG for the community in such terms.
Consoles are the present and the future of gaming. Deal with it.
PC master race time is gone.
It’s definitely a factor
Holy crap you can’t be serious hahahaha
Since the game is being developed for consoles, we may never get the D2 depth we want.
We can’t have depth itemization because the console players need to be able to see is it an attack or defense upgrade by seeing a green number comparison. If yes, swap item.
They have been saying that since the first PS and Xbox
Laugh all you want.
Then ask yourselves - when a new game gets developed, what’s the target hardware?
When a cross-platform AAA game sells, where is it bought more - on consoles or pc?
What platform is the hardest to develop for?
Which platform is the most expensive per polygon/fps for the user?
Which one is the hardest to install?
Where did all AAA premium single player games go?
The ONLY benefit that pc has over consoles is slightly better graphics, and that is only IF you spend 3x as much money on it or more.
You can live in denial all you want, but de-facto consoles is the present of gaming, and the picture looks bleaker and bleaker for pc with every year.
Target is PC then ported to console unless it’s one of the console signature games that don’t go anywhere
All the consoles
Install what? OS or games
We are in the present and have the internet so you can play with all your mates, the way of gaming these days
And personally on consoles I think it is a major pita to have the screen cut into quarters to play a four player game at home
Are you sure about that?
Doomsayers “foretelling” the death of PCs with some hot new device being the way of the future has been a thing for years. Much of it started with the iPad replacing laptops - hasn’t happened. PS4 and Xbox One now 4k capable, gaming PCs are dead - hasn’t happened.
I tried putting in a link and it wouldn’t let me, so I deleted what I said
You can see it even in the control schemes that most games are targeted at consoles.
If the target was pc, you would see much higher graphics fidelity, and much bigger differences between console and pc versions. But what you see is mainly texture res difference and things like foliage density.
Reading the rest of your post, however… Yeah, you’re delusional.
What century are you from? Seriously think that console multiplayer is done through split screen and they dont have internet access?
Pc or console. Think hardware not software.
that growth is because pc videocard alone costs twice as much as an entire console.
High end gaming monitors also cost like a plane, and they are bought by console users as well as pc users.
The margin of profit on pc hardware is that much higher because pc gamers pay upwards from tripple price for it.
But look at GAME sales and you’ll discover that consoles sell more.
Also, what constitutes “gaming” pc’s?
People buy top gpus and cpus for productivity and work. In recent years with growth of neuronetworks and such - those 2080 ti’s aren’t bought exclusively for games. They are even MARKETED for productivity.
Increase in sales of that hardware shouldnt be linked to pc gaming exclusively.
Your premise is that it’s getting bleaker every year for PC. If that were the case, PC sales would be going backwards and showing negative growth. It’s simply not the case.
Consoles going up 13.4% year on year
PC gaming going up 6.6% year on year.
The one category where it is bleak is Browser PC games going at -15.1% year on year.
Pc is going up in absolute values.
If you look at market share, pc market is steadily declining.
Even your own post shows it. Consoles grow twice as fast as pc does - that means that year after year pc is falling farther behind.
This is close to the same link I was going to put up, and that 32% is “every” console combined.
From the IDC article above:
IDC identifies Gaming PCs as desktops or notebooks that have a Premium or Performance grade GPU. This includes the mid-range and high-end offerings from Nvidia and AMD. Professional grade GPUs, such as the Quadro or Radeon Pro, are excluded from IDC’s Gaming PC definition. For monitors, IDC identifies Gaming Monitors as those with a refresh rate of 100 Hz or higher.
PCs overall are slowing but gaming PCs on their own are doing just fine.
Consoles are outpacing PCs but both are in POSITIVE growth.