The D3 reality - why S28 should not be nerfed

Probably will regret this, but here we go.

It is to my understanding or possibly lack thereof, that in order to clear the hardest content in any game ever created, one must learn how to play the game to achieve said task, dating all the way back to the Atari days.

Beating a game on the hardest difficulty didn’t require one to be a professional or sink all of your free time, but it did require learning just enough to conquer said task and put the game behind you, feeling good in the process.

I grew up mostly as a casual gamer and this was generally the understanding of how games typically operate. It was exhilarating beating Ghouls N’ Goblins or Lion King after failing miserably. Never beaten Contra without cheat codes (shakes fist violently) but I had fun. When did this change?

In D3 season 28, one can achieve the hardest difficulty in the game (GR 150) by creating a Meteor Wizard in roughly 14 hours of game time, solo with mediocre gear and about 1k paragon. This can be done without potions, or even finishing the altar, casually over a 2 week time period, spending 1 hour a day. One can read a 1-70 leveling guide, copy/paste the build from Maxroll, spend 20 minutes or so to learn the buttons and steam roll the game.

Given what I wrote above, I genuinely do not understand the notion that casual players cannot achieve the hardest content in the game (GR 150) without egregiously broken mechanics. I’d be happy to help anyone that truly feels otherwise and root for you in the process.


Because u can do a 150 without any stuff with a necro. Do u think its good for a game to do the hardest thing in the game without having stuff???
I mean realy bro?
If u love that i dnt know, just play all fps with aimbot and cheat on all the other game. Same sxx.


I remember those pipes. You could get to the end of that game so fast. Of course, it was really fun from start to finish though, without using the pipes. I also never did the many lives trick with the turtle either.

Same. Those three lives were used up so fast. But that game was so much fun, I didn’t mind starting over and over again. However, I was curious about the ending, so I did the 30 lives. Funny thing, all I needed was 4 lives to beat the game.

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I myself as a casual player, wouldn’t like the game to be as easy as it has been proposed in the current PTR.

Most playtime is done by experienced non-casual players and removing the difficulty would just kill the game for that niche, while casual players after easily reaching end game content they would just quit since there’s is no other goal to play for. It doesn’t really make sense to me, once I reach GR 150 I’m out for good, not being able to reach it yet is what has kept me playing the game even if I only have 1-2 hours a week to play


As a REAL casual, solo player some of the requirements in S28 are too high.
Blizz needs to stop catering exclusively to hard core players who have endless time to play and only play in groups. Stop making it easy for yourself by playing in groups and getting other people to help you power level. Spend the entire season playing solo and grinding for 1,000 hours trying to get the d*mn Gibbering Gemstone and then tell me it’s too easy. If anything, the game should automatically get MUCH harder for group play instead of easier.


As a SUPER REAL casual player i find getting to lvl 70 too hard, it requires more than an hour to reach it for sure…


Oh for pete’s sake, it’s going to be changed. Quit arguing about it! Two things happen. Someone takes offense to someone saying something “bad” about a streamer. Then that someone who spoke ill of the streamer gets called “not a true gamer.”

Either skip the season or don’t. But in all likely the potion pylon thing and all the other effects will be going away.

The influencers have spoken.

Good day, everyone.


Just make the game as easy as possibly for some people who do not want to put any time into it over 4 months.
Let’s just give everyone a gold medal. No time, work, investment or commitment required. :3rd_place_medal: :3rd_place_medal: :3rd_place_medal:


Lol influencers in d3 thats rich

And in it’s current state, most people are done with the season after 2 weeks. They are not engaged at all.

For you, maybe. I am more into the item grind. I could care less about GR pushing and many, many players feel the same way.

I beat D1 on Hell a few weeks after buying it and played the game for years.

I beat D2 on Hell less than week in and played that game for a several hundred hours a year for over 10 years.

If having one mega-OP season out of 28 makes players leave after 2 weeks, then nothing has changed. It will be just like every other season.

And this is part of the problem. It is an unreachable goal unless you play several hundred to a few thousand hours a season or you cheat relentlessly. Why play a game where you can’t beat the highest level unless you dedicate your life to it? This is why so many drop off 2 weeks after the season start. Making a game more than a full time job just to get to the point where they can actually test their skills is not fun.


And this changes your life how? Say it went live as is, what will you do then? 100% serious. I honestly would like to know.

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This is nonsense. And that video that folks keep posting of a streamer doing a 150 without skills equipped was done for views more than actual information it provides to the devs.

They want the whole thing scrapped, instead of fix’d so it isn’t broken.

They believe fixing is simply impossible and if you agree that it should it be changed but don’t think it should be removed, then the argument is “You’re a casual” you’re opinion doesn’t matter. Even if in actuality you’ve never been a casual D3 player.

No, there interest is for their enjoyment and their enjoyment alone.

My point is, the potion thing can be fixed, but since it would still add “power creep” to the game, then it’s bad and should be removed at all cost, despite the ship for powercreep sailed long ago.

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Those ‘casuals’ wanting 150 fasts are actually scrubs who are not willing to read guides, to learn smth. Who doesn’t want to think just a bit. They don’t even know there’s a ladder in D3 and don’t open it to know what people use for 3m / 4m parties. I see a lot of them in publics. It is not casuality it is a brain-laziness.


even if you remove the pylon potion completely, the powercreep this season is off the charts. Crap ton of extra damage, crap ton more DR, triune circles on the ground. CCimunity and passability (will open slots on some builds). Easier time making usable primals.
High skilled playes will hit 150 before or close to 2k para (i’m willing to bet it will be even less) with stuff like Tal Rasha.
That’s not an unreachable goal in 4 months no matter how casual you are.



Removing the potion options isn’t the only solution here. Throwing the baby out with the bathwater isn’t necessary.

But hey, don’t listen to me, I’m just a guy that spent the last two hours arguing for a change instead of scrapping the whole idea and got called a “know nothing casual” for my efforts.

But, folks want a repeat of Echoing Nightmares, that’s fine. QoL improvements are a good thing but I seem to recall that the season that introduced them wasn’t that popular, so either way, the seasons going to be a dud.

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I don’t expect a huge nerf if anything. Anyone remember Trials of the Tempest, Season 22 and Season of the Triune, Season 18? Potion buffs is a reminiscence of those two seasons I think.

Tempest buff is now the almost constant Conduit effect coming from imbibing healing potions; ZDPS specs were clearing GR150 too back then. Also, I bet we all remember what Season of Triune was like also.
They just mashed them together with an addition of new user interface for the Altar of Rites when people expected them to regurgigate old season themes one by one over again.

It’s a breathe of fresh air in my opinion. I think they will tweak the duration of the shrine and pylon effects coming from potion buffs. Perhaps they also look into Necromancer’s potion cooldown too. Youtubers and reddit have been talking about these points lately.

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And most players aren’t high skilled, so they will need a lot more than 2k paragon, so, ya, for most it is unreachable. Again, this is why the season is dead 2 weeks in.

This game has had a good run. It will be a ghost town in June when D4 hits. 1 over the top OP season to send it off to Valhalla isn’t going to do any damage.

Let the kids have their fun. If it ruins your season, you don’t have to use it.


You’ve misunderstood. I’m not advocating for it’s removal. I’m just stating that even if it never existed, it would still be one of the easiest seasons to reach 150 if that’s your goal.