The classic - WUG

I’m not sure about you, but I absolutely loved trading in Diablo 2. I would gladly be willing to wait patiently to find someone that was willing to pay/ trade handsomely for what I was trading. I found this in a lot of cases, the easiest way to get the gear you needed faster than doing MF runs. Finding someone that really wanted your 4 socket monarch and was willing to trade an Ist and Pul for it instead of the typical 1hr. So you could then take what you made in profit for a better exchange and so on, felt great! Sometimes you over paid, sometimes you scored a good deal on what you were trading. Bartering was fun!

With that being said, do people still want the requirement of entering a game and spamming in chat what you have for sale? How do people feel about the ability to link gear outside of the game in a trading chat channel that supports more than the 8 player limit of creating a game? I do acknowledge that this is different from the classic, and I am not even sure how I feel about it! It would remove that classic opening the trade window and both parties saying “Wug” at each other as you drop everything in the window lol.


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Most trades will happen on 3rd party sites if they don’t create a good trade system in lobby.

I’m with you, though. I will sometimes trade in the oldschool, fun way, hopping from game to game even if it’s totally inefficient. I’ll probably do this even if they implement a lobby system, just for the nostalgia.


I can surely see both happening. For instance, when you are doing Baal runs and happen to run into someone that mentions that they have X item, or they find X item during your run. You could ask, is that for trade? The only appropriate response to that is “wug” hahaha.

Trading sites are the most efficient. Take a look at the PoE trade page. You can filter for items, compare prices and see who is online to set up a deal. I doubt D2R will get anything as good but it would be cool for me. It still keeps the bartering and human elements of trade but gives you a nice quick way to interact with the market without implementing an auction house.

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Good point, I have never used trading sites before and was not aware of the depth that you just mentioned. But I still don’t think it hurts to have a simple trade chat channel to keep it “in house” if you will, without introducing and auction house to “list” items even while offline. Besides, people used to spam in chat channels back in the day 4os monarch for 1 hr all the time. Just adding links to it would be convenient.

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Yeah it would definitely be a good feature. I always prefer in game options if they are reasonable.

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I honestly really enjoy the way trading works in D2. I don’t buy or sell on JSP, but I do look to it to gauge prices on some of the items I have.


Yeah you need somewhere to price check for sure.

I like doing the room to room searches getting trade ups and making a profit to build my items its actually decently efficent and got me high gear much faster then farming most times. I dont want anything messing with trades. But being able to link your items with the exact role on the forums or in trade rooms or having a room that allows up to 20 people (just for trade wugs) im fine with.

dont get your hopes up. with the amount of people asking for change in the forums i can see an auction house being implemented.