Thanks Blizzard: New update on ongoing D3 work


"Our crew is hard at work crafting additional Themed Seasons, a new set for each class, dozens of Legendary powers, and some class balance changes. Quality of life and the occasional gameplay system updates are also within scope, as we evaluate how we can keep bringing new magic to the world of Sanctuary. These updates won’t arrive all at once, so if you don’t see something for your class right away, don’t worry; there’s something coming for everyone."

:grin::heart_eyes::star_struck::+1: I am pleasantly surprised and emoji happy. :grin::heart_eyes::star_struck::+1:


Sounds good.

New Sets for each class and more balancing coming in the future.

Don’t worry if you don’t see what you want, for it will be coming soon.

Thank you Blizzard for some info on what the heck is going on.


Good to see. :+1: So much for maintenance mode. I am sure that the haters will still complain because that is what they do. :-1: Don’t let them get to you Nevalistis. :kiss: They will be on the forum shortly crying about this or that. :sob:


:laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Talk is cheapas usual.

Nothing to see here, just a repeat of her “forges burn hot” spiel from last year. Only a toddler would fall for this.


More Blizzard communication and adding D3 game content in the future is a good thing.

This is far more specific than the “forges are burning hot”. See Jason’s article to understand what they hoped to say at BLizzcon 2018 and what they eventually decided.


Update: We will update you with our plans to update you about updates.

So… what are you planning for the futur… UPDATES!!!


Getting completely new sets was unexpected. More new legendary powers was somewhat expected, hopefully they’ll adress some of the existing underpowered ones too.

What I expect at this point is more open and clear communication. It’d be nice to hear more than just these occasional blog posts.


More sets, more stash baby! We’re ready.


Yup, but that is what we have been hearing for years. Seeing is believing, though, and we are still at the “We want to have better communication” stage than at the “actually getting better communication stage”.

Telling us they are adding new leg powers and sets is finally something, but it is tied in with the “it will be ready, when it’s ready” line, which could mean next season, next year, or next century.

They have been more present on the forums since the transition, but is this more of maintaining a smooth transition, or an ongoing thing. New forum has been up for a month, so it will be interesting to see if the Blue posts remain frequent, or drop to infrequent, then to on a rare occasion.

I can say every day how I am going to get in shape at some point, discuss ways about how I am going to get in shape, and what lifestyle changes I will make to stay in shape, but until I actually give a timeline and actually act on it, it is only words.


In that case I am the happiest of toddlers right now :relaxed:


It is a welcomed post. It appears, though, that old adage, “Some people will complain about wet dreams” is true though.

“You mean they didn’t say what the new sets will be built around, what items will support them, and when they’ll be in the game Month/Day/and time? Nope, not good enough.”


Continue to let us know how we can make your adventures even better!

I have been doing this since launch. It took them 14 Seasons to understand that Seasons need to have something different besides cosmetics. Good job! Keep listening! Looking forward to Season 28!


After like 6 seasons of a stale meta, I want them to show me the money. We hear all the time they are “trying to improve communication.” and “listening to feedback” and nothing has changed.

Season 12 started Thursday 9th November 2017, and we’ve had the same four meta builds, same four meta classes since then. Let’s see some actual changes to that meta.


It would definitely be nice for new meta. The same two classes have been “essential” support/zDPS since season 4. This getting rather monotonous.


amen sVr. Seeing this post gives me a lot of hope. We shall see what the future brings but looks like we are gonna have some good theorycrafting in the future.


Not only the same zDPS, but the same DPS. Seems reasonable to make WDs equivilent to SP Wizards, and Crusaders able to pull and provide buffs like Barbarians. I don’t expect them to get it right in 1 patch, 2 patches, or even 3 patches. What’s important is they starting trying to include all classes in the meta, and introducing new builds and tweaking them, patch by patch.


I’m all up for this. But…
After the last couple of years, I’ve been following this game / what has happened. I will not get my hopes up, until I see things being done.
But I am excited to see what they are going to bring and I appreciate them doing more for this game tbh.

Agreed! I have been playing this game for years and still love it. I enjoy the complexities of class and skill synergies and the social aspect. I enjoy the fresh Seasonal ideas the Blizzard team has been giving us. In the past it seemed like one season blurred to the next, but lately the seasons have been very distinct and memorable. Good work!


We don’t have enough stash space now as it is. But here take new sets and legendarys. Fix the stash problem before adding more loot!


They could work on both concurrently. :sunglasses:

The game did not have a catastrophic meltdown at stash tab #13. I bet #14 would be ok.