Terrible probability for primals

Hi, it really can’t be that it takes so long to make a primal. I’ve been trying for almost 4 hours and have made 2 so far. I’m so demotivated that I don’t want to continue playing the game. It takes an incredible amount of time and materials. I really don’t believe that so many players are doing this? The probability is too low or is this a bug? Best regards

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Never played an ARPG before? Also Primals are over rated.



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not like that man. its so horrible

2 primals in 4h is not terrible. The average chance is 1 in 400 legendary drops. Note: average. That allows huge swings of variance.

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Who has the time :joy: not me :crazy_face:

You have to understand one thing. A primal is less effective than an ancient with good stats. This hunt for primordials becomes almost tiring.

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Of course… as long as you have the time and luck to get good stats right away. However, Primats does not necessarily increase the probability of good stats

So the altar should become a all mode rather than just seasonal exclusive, as it increases the chances of obtaining the primal.

Than play other games/genres.

That’s the point. Anciets drop more, so you have a higher chance getting one with good stats and even max rolled. Makeing them better than primals. Good primals are only novelty items to show off how many hours you played the game. If you have a problem with that, this game isn’t for you. If you realy want those primals, deal with the fact that you’ll be pouring many hours into playing the game. If you don’t want to do that, deal with it that you will not be decked out in perfect primals, in a time span that is comfortable for you. Something for something.

The focus will be on rolling Shard stats not Primals, so this is only an issue with the current season and not S30. This isn’t a PTR for S30 issue, it’s a base game issue which just got 2x better at minimum with the Altar returning (double Primals).

Also what Indian said, Primals are vastly overrated and are on average 1% difference between well-rolled ancients which is 1/15th of a GR difference, not even on the radar of improvement unless you’re comparing legendary mods which shouldn’t be at the basis of comparison since they should always be selective of high value, even on normals.

You got 2 in 4 hours? Lucky! XD

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How about no primal drop in 20+ hours of gameplay? Pretty common here haha

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You left out: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Yeah. Sometimes I think it’s my imagination, but the drop rate for primals seems to have decreased dramatically since season 29.

You’re right, it’s your imagination :slight_smile: