Tempest rush build damage reduction question

I have all top gear to maximize damage for this build(icy veins) but I still get killed a lot. Pass through are ok. But missiles kick my butt. I have that travelers pledge set which should add 50% to the already activated on the set.
I’m guess any damage reduction is for melee?? Or all damage types?
In any case I would appreciate some recommendations on missile damage reduction. Whether it’s a gem or an armoire piece I can cube.

GR Solo Push variant.
…complete all your “altar of rites” bonus’s, and hit “Q” as often as possible to get those huge bonuses, …, and spam epiphany and your mantra as much as possible for extra toughness.
Also, put a high “Life per Hit” on one of your weapons, (since the constant TR hit’s on trash will replenish your Life).
Forget about RCR, and Attack Speed, 25% in either is good enough.

Azurewrath is ok too, but put about +60% in CDR total (with Capt. Crimson’s set), all diamonds for toughness and CDR, …, the rest in CHC/CHD, 50/500, and Scroundrel will help a bit with CHC.
Stone of Jordan will maximize ALL your +elemental dmg, be it Cold with Azurewrath, (+20% Cold dmg), or even a bit higher with +25% lightning dmg on a perfect Won Kom Lau, along with other rolls on suitable items.

I used travellers pledge until I hit +100 GR’s, and then switched to Squirt’s, and Pigsticker for greater situational dmg.

Just keep TR (tempest rush down on your right mouse button all the time), and use Blind Faith on your left mouse button to explode it all in a “Flurry” on Elites, …
Watching CoE is a pain, but I don’t even watch it anymore.
I just hold my TR button down, spin to win, and spam the other defensive skills as much as possible, and I’m no expert.
I’m doing GR128 solo in roughly 5 min, which although is not great.
However, I was lucky enough to find both Primal weapons, a primal SoJ, and I created a Primal Squirt’s from primordial ashes, but all the rest are just mediocre Ancient’s (re-rolling stats as needed).

Right now I have all my Altar of Rites and I’m a flat(without my “Scoundrel” or “Q” bonuses):
Paragon: 2008 (S28)
DMG: 2,932,000
Toughness: 341,920,000
Recovery: 27,000,000
Armor: 38,315 (91%)
+75% dmg on ALL Physical and elemental skills…
+25% Attack speed
+28% (RCR) Resource Cost Reduction
+61% (CDR) Cool Down Reduction
+25% Missile dmg reduction.
+CHC/CHD 41%/510%
+Dodge chance 61%
+Life per Hit 31,000

If I could get an extra +8%-10% CHC I could easily hit GR130 solo easily.

But anyway, if you want pure toughness, then Inna’s Mystic builds will give you that and GR speed clears, but it doesn’t seem to push quite as high in solo GR’s, imho. … both are good though.
Personally, I find PoJ one of the highest DMG/toughest Monk builds in the game, I can group/assist with others in +GR140 and never die, although my dmg is obviously limited.

and although maxroll suggests not putting Blind Faith on your left mouse button, I find once my TR stacks grow, (holding down TR button), “Flurry” explodes with (a left-click) on Blind Faith quite well with huge additive dmg, on avg …

The moral here is;
play/combine with both builds, icy-veins, and maxroll, and play with the one you’re happy with.