I dont know if there is any actual guide how to play this, i dont care, im sharing not published knowledge of my own, gained by testing.
Key binds
left mouse > way of 100 fists - hands of Lightning
right mouse > fists of thunder - 20 spirit regen
- crippling wave - breaking wave
/OR/ Concussion Rune in team play if you have 2 raiment monks in team. Coordinate that. - deadly reach - foresight /your self buff
- dash - 40% dodge
- mantra of healing 20% hp rune
/OR/ mantra of 35% dodge - you want to spam both mantras all the time, you will never be going out of mana anyway while you are attacking.
The monk using mantra of healing, spam that like if there was no tomorrow, spam all the time, not only “off cooldown” but spam that always, it will help you survive so much you will be astonished.
The other monk with mantra of dodge, also spam that, feel free to numlock that spell, you will not be going out of mana anyway, only when you dash, but not in combat.
Mantra of dodge can be used “off cooldown” but nobody cares about pressing so many buttons and paying attention, just numlock that thing.
I know how many people use maxroll guides but they dont actually read the guide trusting them too much,
The default build is not the correct one for low levels. Thats onle of the most important things many people didnt read.
We very much need to use Guardians set for starters up to about 3k paragon, or maybe even higher paragon to swap to Cap Crimson set, since loosing guardian set forces us to add a lot of Vitality to paragons.
https:// maxroll .gg/d3/d3planner/245336596
Playstyle guide:
Hold shift + way of 100 fists ALL THE TIME.
For stacking the self buffs (all those 4 basic attacks) just press two buttons in same time, its easier and you dont have any downtime in attacking.
Keep in mind if you want to keep all 350 stacks of sanctified power way of 100 fists, you need to press the other attacks very fast, and go back to Way of 100 fists ASAP.
And ofc you need to be attacking something to keep all 350 stacks.
Yes Hold the Way of 100 fists, and PRESS the other attacks, just press once, thats how you keep full stack. Or if its about gaining the Foresight buff 15% dmg, sure hold that for a second but not any longer than second, just enough to land 3 attacks with it and go back to holding main attack.
It is possible to keep attacking the trash while the tornado Zbarb is pulling everything ON THE GO.
Shift + way of 100 fists all the time and keep dashing at the barbarian,
or Fist of Thunder makes you teleport short distance so can also use that.
Thats why i have that on Right mouse button, easy access.
You very much want to press Crippling wave Debuff on EVERY occasion you start attacking any elites.
Debuffing Does add a lot of defense and some damage. Always debuff the elites.
Raiment plays much better with Zmonk shielder, much more efficient on average than tryharding with 2 raiments on low paragon.
Even 3500 paragons can not sustain themselves very often without good shielder buffs.
Best in Slot items for Raiment with mantra of healing are items with bonus +health globes grant extra 39k life, because it boosts the mantra of healing shielding power,
And even with maxed shields on Raiment build its questionable shield, im not able to test that if Raiment with maxed shields can be good enough instead of zmonk.
Assume it is not enough, its only 95k shield, its not enough.
Zmonk gives much more shields, almost 500k if maxed.
Items for Globes/ HP shielding bonus.
amulet, rings, chest armor, boots and shoulders
Without maxed shields you need to have a good luck on High GRs…
Or you will die on many occasions
Simply take zmonk instead and play 3 supports setup, its good enough if the DPS knows what hes doing
But zmonk is better because it can shield enough to survive fire /molten explosions, and helps a lot to survive many other “explode after death” monsters.
The raiment can easily take Stricken and forget the rest, focusing on DPS as much as he can.
also works in 3 support runs, but znecro doesnt provide any toughness, only spawning health globes so others Do get Shield from the altar powers when someone picksup the globes but its not that great actually.
Zmonk gives 75% toughness buff, its HUGE in gameplay style change, and shields, to me its better than znecro runs.
The Zmonk build
for speeds / low paragon /low player skill required:
In 3 support runs it has more than 150 bilion toughness (not all buff/debuff appear in stats)
https:// maxroll .gg/d3/d3planner/909242831
Spam everything and make your Raiment basically immortal.
And spam everything on zmonk makes Raiment keep his squirt amulet 100% almost all the time (excluding standing in all explosions, yea the shield is good enough so he can sit and afk in lazers)
This support makes Raiment runs GR 150s in 4 minutes ez
3rd edition
For some esoteric reason it seems like i have had tested with bad teams, didnt really notice that sooner.
Previously the other Raiment didnt spam his mantra of dodge for activated mantra All resist buff, and supports didnt use their potions.
Everything is necessary to survive.
Sorry for confusion if there was any.
Now, when two monks know how to damage, and both spam their mantras and debuffs, we actually can sustain ourselves pretty good at 2700-3k paragon.
Even with cap crimson set and “almost” total glasscannon setup with barely 4,5k to 5k vitality in total.
Also often no deaths inside 4 to 5 elites pulled in same time.
Cap Crimson seems better than expected even at “mid” level like around 2700 - 3k.
Now we do run stricken all the time, and almost no deaths.
Its “just” everyone in the team must know what they are doing and have the leaderboards meta build, globes spawning barb, and big D-dps skills obviously help with killing the mobs before shield from globes run out.
Raekor 6 piece zbarb also helps somewhat so the barb doesnt have to move away to pull more monsters for globes, BUT usually i would say it depends on the entire team, and if nobody is underperforming, and the team absolutely needs at least 3k paragon to make better use of 6piece raekor Zbarb.
Das all… i think