Tal Rasha Set DEAD!

Usually set reworks make them top for at least a while. I can see why people are not happy.
And adding meteor to the dmo is perhaps not dumb, it should be said that tal is the meteor set.

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One does not follow from the other, bro :thinking:

(post deleted by author)


While the idea of ‘controlling’ the element of the meteor sounds neat on paper, in practice this is incompatible with manually cast meteors, which require you to choose a rune (and therefore element) on meteor. For this reason, multi-element builds never become meta in this game (one exception being Vyr Chantodo due to a special interaction).

It’s a misconception that the smaller radius of Starpact makes it worse than say Meteor Shower in good density. In fact, the higher damage of Starpact (expending all AP to fuel damage, rather than dealing a fixed amount of damage) makes it superior to other meteor runes in almost all situations. This is another reason why multi-element meteors won’t work: you’d almost always choose to cast the arcane Starpact meteor.

Haha, well I think that largely falls on Blizz. These folks can cry and b*tch and moan all they want but occasionally Blizz makes an anti-power creep season like S26. Then perhaps you could say that they have lost!

(post deleted by author)

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Problem: They tried to grab the essence of the Tal Rasha set from D2. But in D2 sets and items worked way differently. Tal’s mastery of elements came as a passive form boosting those skills. Then roll with watever build, the set passively buffed it. In D3 you have to master the elements, as in juggle them around to get the dmg buff, and all res.

They wanted it to be a meteor build and that is fine. But it would be better if not our juggleing of spells give us a bosst to all skills, but the meteors raining down would have a rotation like CoE, and under the period of an element active, it gives a huge buff to the same elemental skills.

For example you’re in the cold rotation and cold meteors rain down, you’ll get buff to all cold elemental skills/runes. It can be lined up with CoE rotation even, giveing even more dmg.

The meteors we passively get from the set should be buffed also by CoE, and any multiplier. Maybe even buffing themselfs.


blackhole combined with starpact isnt bad… season 27 10 magic missile with 2x50% primary skill speed boosts and regen boosted… no issues with power supply … but more 1h weapons with meteor , Yes

:smiley: It was not my best sentence now that I read it again…

Well it appears we are talking about different things here. All my discussion is centered around the Starpact that was played between Seasons 12-19.

On the other hand, I have no idea what version of Meteor you’re referring to (probably because I started in Season 8, and admittedly don’t know about Meteor builds that came before). So perhaps we can agree to disagree here.

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There was a season where you ran Tal’Rasha + Deathwish + Etched Sigil(pre nerf) and casted Meteor Shower manually. That was a long time ago though. Can’t remember the season. It was basically tank and spank build where you could soak all hits and did so much damage that your shields never droped, could even stand in Arcane Sentries if I remember correctly :smiley:

But it was also pre power creep. Can’t remember exact levels but think it may have been something like 110s were high on first week.

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Correct, that was Tal Meteor Shower, which ran concurrently with Starpact from S12 to at least S15, but was always behind it in power. I don’t think that’s what he was referring to though, which seemed to involve switching between different meteor runes.

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Season 3 was Tal’s manual Meteor Shower as the top solo wizard build. With Aether Walker + TP: Calamity for crowd control IIRC. I think that was when perma CC was still possible.

To fill in the gaps on the first 8 seasons for top solo builds:

Season 1/2 was Firebird’s DoT
Season 3 was Tal’s
Season 4 was Chantodo Vyr’s
Season 5 was DMO Twisters
Season 6 was Firebug & reverse Archon Twisters (multiplicative Swami bug)
Season 7/8 was Chantodo Firebird’s


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What you’re describing (in particular the CoE/rotation based version) is basically the Starpact that was played in S12-19, except Wave of Force with the Arcane Attunement rune saw more usage than Black Hole.

This ‘precision strike’ playstyle is ‘precisely’ what I want the top end Tal meteor to become. You’d think that it’d be easier to revive a past playstyle than invent a new one. Unfortunately, this doesn’t seem to apply to Blizz devs these days.


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What is the setup that you envision here, that you have to choose between CoE and Halo? Old Starpact ran both CoE and Halo (of Arlyse), so trading between damage and survival was never an issue.

Okay, this comes down to personal preference. I personally love the CoE playstyle, where I use my CoE downtime to gather a pull and ensure maximal success when CoE comes around. That’s why I prefer the rotation-based Starpact over more spammy playstyles. As I alluded to here,

perhaps both Meteor Shower and Starpact could both be brought back to appeal to players who prefer either playstyle.

What I don’t like is a build that mixes both playstyles, i.e. allow players to alternate between different runes. In my honest opinion, this would destroy the build’s sense of identity, or its ‘purity’ if you will.

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Its not FPS is it? Which FPS game takes 30 sec to 1 min to kill an enemy? You dealing MOSTLY 1 SHOT to mobs in FPS games, or the 1 shot situation ties to your aiming skills, headshot vs leg shot etc.

ARPG isnt FPS, the analogy can only be comparable in low tiers where anything you look is KO instantly. Higher GR, gather large packs simply is essential to positive progression. You just cant sit on 3% progression, spend 30s to kill then move on. 1% is 9s, that’s a -3s lost. This is how you lose time. Due to gathering, you lost damage output time, hence COE is demanded. Its an item specifically designed(voted by players) for pushing.

Can build not use COE? Absolutely yes, those strong tier 0 builds. Usually demanded nerf by someone on this forum.

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How to ensure you attack on COE is exercising control. Ultimately, you want to control every situation in GR. The hook of this game aside item hunt (easily done every season) is actually control over every GR situation. This ensures your push rank with lowest possible paragon/gear level. Tactical side of D3 introduced by GR is what kept this game flowing for this long after speed 1shot content became stale.

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