Switch Leaderboards top tier are all cheaters

Blizzard don’t care about cheating or botters as they make their money from initial game sales. Once they have the cash it’s a case of well deal with it

I’m a switch frustrated diablo player, please share that info you said lol. I’m curious about what that will be, since I can’t compete with modders.

Can someone guide me
where to send screenshots and chat history
from a player over PlayStation 4,that sell for $$$$ items and accounts.
I also have the transaction over PayPal, and the fraud people fall.
If with proves Blizzard don’t do anything about people who alter their own code and re sell it.
Then is sad

blizzard can’t ban on console like they can on pc, because we don’t play on their servers… we play on sony/microsoft/nintendo servers… hopefully that changes with D4… But for the past 7 ish years, i’ve never heard of blizz banning a console player.

So you tell me
someone can alter the game code, and sell it for $$$$ for his own profit?
Seems PlayStation Network, Blizzard don’t care about this.
Anyway I get the point, consoles become market place for many people
and do what they want, without restrictions

I’ve seen people banned from PSN for selling D3…they stream and its on the Playstation Live Events selling modded gear then they got banned for it.

But rare.


My husband and I are new to season play, first time really. We play on switch also. Pc would be nice but no desire to buy 2 computers so we can play together side by side. We’re old and we’re each others only friend lol . Yes it’s crazy to me at my age to see gems in gloves pants, etc. so my husband and I were busting our butts trying to figure out what we were doing wrong because we could not get them. We finally came to realize that everyone who had them were seriously cheating!!! It’s a disappointment when you’re new to the game and you really don’t know what you’re doing , like myself , just to find that everyone out there is cheating their butts off! How could that be gratifying to them??? It also gives switch a bad name.

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Thanks for sharing your experience. It’s nice you guys can play together … I never looked at Switch myself, but I assume you’re playing on the TV in a coop mode… I think that’s cool hangin on the couch together and chilling in the game.

Your points on the issue are all well said. Some of the solutions from other threads come to mind.

I like Homerjnick’s suggestion of wiping the results of clearly obvious cheats from the leaderboard toward season end as the simplest and most effective solution at the moment, but there’s a range of ways to address it.

Mamaluvsme also suggested leaderboard filters iirc… I think that’s quite workable too… you could apply a community accepted paragon limit to filter out illegitimate leaderboard entries… not sure how to apply that to modded gear though, so not quite all the way there on that solution perhaps… closest I can think to make that work for filtering out players with modded gear is to allow other players to flag the modded gear and number of those flags to be filterable. This solution has the advantage of cheats and their apologists not getting their knickers in a knot.

Personally i dont mind cheats duking out for who is the highest ranked cheat while their accounts and potentially presence in the game is on the line for removal, but they have no place at the top of default leaderboards over legit players where players such as yourselves can get the wrong idea about how the game is supposed to work.

What people do in their own spaces, not impacting others, is their own business.

ps, have you noticed how Pools of Reflection behave much when you’re playing together? (The yellow pools that look like the red health pools). I’ve had a good look at it in coop mode on the xBox One S and found the display indicator is super wacky … disappearing for one player or the other and jumping to 100% seemingly without reason - curious if it’s a platform specific issue or not.

Omg, I use to hit the poR all the time, but I never knew if they really did anything for me. Lmao . I call them lemon aid , like the cool refreshing drink that Eddie Murphy joked about! Well I will have to pay closer attention and see if it helps.
So today I pushed and got to 121 solo. That’s like seriously high to me. Crazy high really! But I was wondering, every time I try to push a higher greater rift, I have to drop at least eight- ten below the highest level I did prior, like if I make it to 110, the next time I push I have to start at 100 and work my way back up to 110 just in hopes to get 111. Is this normal??
I guess I thought that once you got to a certain level, then you would start back at the last level you just beat.
Also my husband is playing what they are calling a mid tier barb build. It is a super fun build, but he noticed a pic of the barb with the number 3 stamped on it , located just below his stacks. It was not their before and now his barb is acting weak, also he can’t stack the way he was before. Does anyone know what this is???

I’m not sure what would by in play that would make you need to work your way up incrementally like that sorry.

You can always choose which GR level you wish to play and once a GR is achieved it should be repeatable with the same gear and play technique subject to minor variations of a GR or two based on maps/mobs variations.

If I’m testing something specific where certain GRs are more suitable then I sometimes bump GRs incrementally between runs, but this is not what you’re describing.

Congrats on your new clears.

Fix it first!

It is Priority zero

It annoys me see the ranks all cheated… I do realiza people want to exploit the system by any means…
I don’t mind they exploit the game, but I do mind when they are ranked…

If they want to cheat any game, do so…


The easy way is to test the rank. If a cheater was detected, that person should be removed from the rank.

This way Blizzard could implement an easy anti cheat program without problems.

I hope and ask blizzard to clean the rank.

Best regards


anti cheat detection systems fail most of the time. I use to play a game that had you click on a new fight (with a mouse) and click attack… 2 clicks but 2 different parts of the screen. I was flagged as a macro so i was able to click so fast, in protest I had the game admin watch me click and he was like WTF dude you are clicking 4 times faster then the fastest macro we have seen.

I guess the only way to assume someone cheated would be if they had multi slot gem slots on gear, but just dont assume because someone has a primal or maybe all primals, doesnt make them a cheater (no, i dont even have a primal equip’d my 3 primals i got were crap (1 from normal gr70, 1 from hard core gr70 and 1 from an ancient puzzle ring clear).

I thought it was crazy talk on the normal forums but maybe they should put a max of 800 paragon on a season, that would make it all even stevens, granted I’m still only had 649 paragon now while most of people on my friends lists have 3,700 to 4,800 paragon.

From what I’ve heard/seen about some game hack tool for the playstation people say if you use it, you get 1,000 paragon or something like that, if they capped the paragon at 800, everyone will know you are a cheater if you join a public game with more than 800 paragon :slight_smile: