Switch - Crash while doing a vault with my *primal* puzzle ring

So, as the title says - the game completely crashed while doing the vault. We managed to just clear the first ‘section’ then went to empty our loot. We were 4 players. It suddenly crashed and we were “redirected to a new host”. Only thing is, we were all redirected to a new game - we were still all the same players together, but the vault portal was now missing…

Is there a way to get back my primal ring ? or to rectify this ?
I am really, very bummed out about this.

Yes you were redirected to a “new” game… When you switch hosts it makes a new game. Consoles use P2P for hosting games. a Console is the server hosting that particular game. If that host drops out, then one of the other players becomes the new host. Considering you are on console, and not on blizz servers, you won’t be able to get the ring back. unless you had a save from before you lost it.

The thing is, it did redirect to a ‘new’ game, but we still had the same host and same players. So I feel like it just rebooted the same game, and we lost the portal