Sunwuko's Dungeon Problem

Hello fellas,
I’ve been experiencing a problem while trying to Master the Monk’s Sunwuko’s Dungeon. I am, as far as I know, doing everything correctly. I am using Cyclone Strike to gather the monsters and stuff, and only using WoL to clear those bosses or leftovers.
However, whenever I jump into a HUGE amount of monsters and use the Cyclone Strike, I gather the mobs and the clock starts counting. Even if there are like 30 mobs gathered, the counter only considers ~3 to 8 monsters before it resets. No matter how many monstes I get, it hardly counts 'em all (only in rare occasions it counts more than 20 monsters).

A friend of mine, doing exactly what I am, successfully mastered the dungeon with ease. I gave him my login details (we are friends IRL) so he could try to finish the dungeon for me. However, he also experienced this weird “bug” with my account. So long story short: he couldn’t also master the dungeon with my character.

What am I doing wrong? What’s happening? Should I deal lower damage?

Thank you in advance!

the swk set dungeon is one of the easiest in the game (since you have no special equip needed, no dmg limit etc)
first: i do the dungeon without kyo belt since i have timing but it helps a lot
second: do not carry mystic ally or your follower with you
third: use all movementspeed you can get (mantra, passive, boh, ds)

then you simply need to walk throug big groups, no cs needed (can be that.monsters die). think of it, you do npt have to kill enemys, you simply need to trigger them with.your clone so just walking foreward spreads your clone. be careful: it can be that you wind vanishes then since you do not attack, refresh it by using your wind button. then the hard thing is to get all enemys killed but if you carefully watch all rooms this is no problem at all. hope it helps

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I’ve been trying to do what you just told me… but the problem remains, apparently. Even if I walk through big groups with over 20 mobs it says that only 3~12 are tagged (at least <20).
I don’t know what to do… maybe I’ll drop it and try with another set… idk…


The secret was unequipping some items to decrease my damage. I was killing the monsters in 1 hit only so apparently it does not counts as “tagging” them.

Thanks mate!

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I gave up on Monks set dungeons awhile ago, they way harder compared to some other set dungeons for other classes

So the solution to mastery is to nerf yourself