[suggestion] Solving problem with bots in seasons

Nice dreams. Or naive hope.
They already provided banwave in this season. That’s all they can do.

There was no banwave this season.
Or last season.
Or season before that.
Or season before that…
Or season before that…
Or season before that…
Or season before that…

Not sure, but do you mainly play in the Asia region?
If so you would possibly be correct. Asia had a couple of players removed when they were blatantly obvious but that was some time ago.
Asia does not get as closely looked at like Americas and Europe do.
They also have less staff in D3 now too apparently.

I need to clarify: I am about Americas and Europe, of course.

You have a Seasonal P2387 Barb. It looks like 90% of the Normal Solo Barbarian board is at GR130, and there is a METALHEAD right in the middle at rank 533 that did 130 in 14:17 at P2038. But it’s the wrong clan for you (Exile, not The Forsaken Ones) unless you recently changed. Otherwise, are you saying you can’t manage a GR127 at better than 13:03?

Anyway, P2387 is pretty good progress for a Season. Are you asking for anti-Bot measures to help you refrain from using them, or are you just envious of Seasonal Botters who are higher Paragon than you?

Certainly, the presence of Botters isn’t keeping you off the board, and you can’t believe that everyone that did higher than GR130 is using a Bot?

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For some strange reason xXTaipanXx seems to have directed to you even though they have been quoted?
Seems to happen here occasionally. Considering how his profile is in Americas he definitely plays elsewhere.

Precisely why I advocate to eliminate all cheaters.
You made a few too many assumptions which is astounding yet completely off topic.
Yes I plan on pushing the solo boards again but the drive to do so is gone considering how many cheaters there are.

I have been playing D3 since it was a beta and have seen many different phases, the cheaters are out of hand now more then ever before.

We need a banwave if Blizz wants to keep their legit players playing.


Not gonna happen.
Blizz need MAU, that hold shareholders.
I recorded many bots on public bounty I played a lot. I sent links to videos and description to hacks@blizzard.com from commercial email. Guess what. No one ever downloaded them, nor responded to my email. Get real guys. No one cares.



I too have sent many emails to the hacks team, but have not seen any action yet.
Perhaps no one is “listening” to us after all :wink:


The solution is to HWID ban, it’s much more expensive to swap hardware than it is to buy a new account each season.

None of the solutions will happen either. The entirety of blizzards studio will be working on other projects, no one cares about diablo 3 anymore, it’s old and just about to see the end of its life cycle with diablo 4 dropping sooner or later.