Suggestion for Timestamp on Items

I was just thinking, and I am probably not the first to suggest this but, do you think it would be hard to implement time stamps on equipment? Not really the time per-say but just a date on when the item was found, for example, 12/7/21 in the bottom left of the item window.

There is plenty of space to put a date when the item was found. Just a simple ‘Found on 12/7/21’.

Hard? No.

But, is this something that’s going to add much for the average person? Not sure. I can think of a few reasons for it, mostly to compare legacy items, but what else would it offer?

Just so you know when you got an item. Could even be to see how long it took a player to get items others may want.

Oh, great.

The game needs more loot shaming.

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since you’re the only one wanting it, try writing it down in a notebook. :spiral_notepad: :writing_hand: