Suddenly kicked by Asian server and HC character was died

Why? I have suffered by this twice!

Disconnection is not a bug.
Dead HC hero is not a bug.

Try moving this to Technical Support and follow the advice in…

I love how people always try and play this off as if it’s not that big of a deal and it’s not some defect.

[quote=“Meteorblade-2266, post:2, topic:15252”]

The servers have always had disconnection problems so yes it is a bug.

When a player gets disconnected the character is usually dead it is a very rare circumstance the character doesn’t die) when a character dies through a disconnect bug, then the character dying as a result of that in itself is a bug. You cannot discount faulty server code as not a bug then ignore the character dying as a direct result of that as not a bug.

You misunderstand what Meteorblade is saying.

Disconnections are not game bugs. They are technical issues. Meteorblade even said, to get help with this, the thread should be moved to the Technical Support Forum. They did not say not to report it.

Blizzard does not respond in these forums. Their QA Team reads the bug reports here. If they can reproduce it, they will fix it. The only way to get help from a Blizzard Tech is to report the issue on the Technical Support Forum. (If your issue is a technical issue).


  1. There are cases where a technical issue might be caused by a game bug. It which case, it should be reported in the Technical Support Forum. If a Blizzard Tech feels the issue is caused by a game bug, they will move it to this Bug Report Forum.

  1. It is possible that disconnections exist on the players’ end, at the players’ ISP, with Blizzard’s servers, with Blizzard’s ISP or any combination of the above. But, whatever the cause, disconnection issues should be reported in the Technical Support Forum.

And don’t forget, when you decide to play a Hardcore Character, you agree to this:

Finally, Blizzard performs regular maintenance on their servers. I’m not sure all players perform maintenance on their systems or communicate issues to their ISPs. If you’re having that much of an issue with disconnections you should report it on the Technical Support Forum, provide the information requested and submit the findings to your ISP.

Safe Journey and good hunting!  


TLGamer (or Tx3000 as he used to be known on the old US forums) has a long history of that.


You probably also believe that Tom Clancy’s The Division didn’t have faulty netcode either. Every time a legit issue is pointed out, people like Metorblade are right there bringing up total nonsense and off-topic replies to derail the issues. And it’s not just me he does that with. Just take a look around on this forum. He posts up his nonsense blaming everyone for things that aren’t their fault.

Just like Metorblade, you’re beyond talking to.

Neither one of you can just accept Blizzard is at fault for a lot of the issues on here.

I just want to point out that It’s interesting how On tournaments Blizzard games never seem to ever once go offline or disconnect.

If they can do it there, they can do it every place else.

I’m done talking to you about this.