Stupid question about gems and difficulty

So I have tier 10 Flawless royal gems. I’m so confused when I google it because I see 17 tiers but I feel like this was an older version of game? I’m lever 502 and have been at tier 10 gems for a long time and many bounties. Is that it for the gems?
In regards to that, I’m torment X and have been moving up levels for a long time. I haven’t seen any new blacksmith plans for a while, although I have been getting a few new ancient items dropping every once in awhile. Am I pretty well maxed out, item wise? Seems like I was getting stuff left and right upon bounties when I finished story mode.
Last question…in regards to leveling. Say I quit and came back and went from Torment X to Torment XII…when I’ve increased difficulty in main menu it seems to make , level 60 greater rift, for instance…that much more difficult. Are there two sets of difficulties combined here? Does that make sense? Thanks!’

The game had removed some lower tiers and restructured the tiers of gems. Making each tier more distinctive. There are currently 10 tiers. Flawless Royal is always the highest tier.

The game drops plan you haven’t learnt yet. If you have learnt all plans, no plan will be dropped anymore.

Legendary drop rate is scaled with difficulty level. In addition, rifts have higher drop rates than other places (e.g. bounty).

The difficulty of Nephalem Rift is align with the game difficulty you selected.
The difficulty of Greater Rift depends on its level. e.g. GR60 is roughly at the same level of T13. Reference: Diablo 3 Difficulty Overview

If you finish a Nephalem Rift in a higher difficulty, the roughly equivalent Greater Rift level will be unlocked.

You may find more about the game in the game guide: Game Guide - Diablo III


Thank you so much!! It’s still fun but since this is my first character, it’s getting a little rusty. Might pull the trigger on a new one tonight! I’ve had the game since June 28th and have been on my Crusader character the whole time. I’d venture to say at least 100 hours :eyes:

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PChild has a quick vid on some D3 basics you might want to check out.

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