Streamer banned for botting, already 3.5k paragon

That’s called “witch hunting” and again, not only unethical but very unhealthy mannerism.

You claim they were banned but that’s conjecture and anecdotal. I can claim I reported 1000 people and got them all banned but that doesn’t necessarily mean it’s true.

Your whole anecdote just seems very made up.

None. If someone is fitting the criteria above, they can technically have their account going nearly 24/7. It is possible. There is no rule that states you are only allowed to play X amount of hours.

And if the person is innocent, they appeal and it gets overturned. Chances are, if the botting methond was found, and those accounts using were banned, and his was one of those, he botted.


Hopefully they will. I know it’s not a botting issue but it is Blizzard and the same team that GMs help moderate… but I got banned once for trolling. I appealed and my appeal got denied. I reported the moderator to their supervisor and the supervisor (Bashiok) replied to my email apologizing, saying I did nothing wrong and removing it. My method for getting ahold of the supervisor was not listed inside the method given to appeal. It was something you had to find searching elsewhere.

I’m done, since you think that an account can legitimately play nearly 24/7 for an entire season. This is not humanly possible.

If me and my 15 year old daughter split the day between us, does that still mean it’s not humanly possible?

I think the problem is that you don’t want to believe it because you wouldn’t do it. There are people out there who will go to the most extreme measures just to “beat” other players in video games. There are people who will stay up for days chugging Bawls, Red Bull or Monster or ask/force kids to play for them.

Have you found anyone who has 24 hours every day? No? Then it’s a non-issue.

You still will not get to nearly 24 hours per day for an entire season for obvious reasons such as both leaving tbe house together or having obligations such as school/ work/ family/friends at the same time.

Good luck with defending botters and cheaters.

No more new posts from me in this thread.

Edit: It is defending cheaters/botters when one invokes impossibilities and claim that these are possible facts when we all know that these are an impossibility.

Were you able to play D3 24/7 during those 4 months? Or did you sleep some over those 120+ days?

The idea that one can play D3 legitimately 24/7 over an entire season is rubbish.

Sleep is not optional but an absolute requirement given the timeframe (a D3 season that last 3+ months).

So at no point in a season the parent and child did something together outside the house where neither was playing D3. The patent/child never went out to eat/shop during an entire season. This seems to be an impossibility.

How is it based on conjecture when inspection of a Blizzard D3 profile shows the number of hours played per class each season and other facts such as bounties completed.

Conjecture is saying someone is botting because they are high paragon or something similar. It is not conjecture to say that someone played ~2,700 hours in a season if that is what the Blizzard D3 account profile shows. That would be a fact.

For anyone on the leaderboard, one can inspect their profile and their season statistics on a per season basis assuming that the played that season. It is nkt conjecture to state the factually number of hours played in a season or the numbers if bounties completed. These are facts unless you think Blizzard profiles are conjecture when clearly they are not.

I am talking about going out together where neither plays D3 during that time. To maintain 24/7 playtime for 3+ months, this family could never spend a couple of hours out together to share a meal or shop. Are you actually thinking that during a dinner out that one of them brought a laptop computer to play throughout dinner and had a stable internet connevtion while driving in the car?

Did this family ever take a road trip together during this time where their internet was spotty in transit leading to a game disconnect?

More edits:

Since that poster is not me, that is obviously not an alt account of mine.

Ironically, my account plays on the America region server where one can easily see that this non-alt account plays in EU.

This is true.

Much later (5 days later edit:

I know it was quite self-explanatory but as you know some like to argue for argument’s sake. When the conversation later went to rationalizing 24/7 gameplay for an entire season with impossible scenarios (e.g. single person to parent/child who share account where always one is playing D3 at all times, there was no point in making new posts to propagate the nonsense that is when I decided to no longer make new posts to bump this thread.

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There you go again, making assumptions. I’m not defending anybody. I’m looking at facts and evidence. Just because I’m not jumping to conclusions based on conjecture like you are does not mean I’m taking sides.

Probably is = more likely than not

Reporting people that look like a duck, swim like a duck and quack like a duck, so Blizzard can confirm if they’re actually a duck.

Facts like…

  1. The account has been played for an average of 21.5+ hours a day
  2. The account has been played that way for weeks / months / years

Reporting them isn’t diagnosing them as a cheater, it’s reporting them because they have exactly the sort of symptoms that a cheater would have, and asking someone to carry out a diagnosis.


Actually that’s no guarantee at all.

Sure, if you base it on more than just timed played.

All of which are by a large margin optional. Hell, last year of school I skipped 4 months straight before the school even tried to contact me.

Heh, no. This predates D3 with over a decade, merely pointing out that even though on paper you have responsibilities they are in practice quite optional.

They just had a bot banwave correct? Not a time played banwave. Im sure he claiming his kid played to try and hide the fact he botted.

Well of course, people in this thread though are claiming time played above a certain threshold means you’re botting, it’s the only possibility when clearly it’s not. I’m just saying time played as the ONLY metric is not something you can have as a basis for a blanketban as SOME player playing within the rules might very well be caught in it.

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24h per day is 12h per day for a parent and a child in same household.

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Semantics. The bottom line is that they “could be”. The liklihood is debatable.

That’s my point. If I report someone, I can say they’re walking like a duck, quacking like a duck and look like a duck but if I report them saying “they ARE a duck”, i’m jumping to conclusions.

Correct, it’s not but that’s not what he was doing. I even quoted him flat-out saying they were botting. Not that they might be.

No, they’re claiming that an account played for 21.5+ hours per day, for months on end, is likely to be account sharing and/or botting and should be investigated to confirm if this is the case.

If you were walking towards the front door of your house and you saw smoke pouring out of the roof and windows wouldn’t you check to see if your house was on fire? You don’t know for certain it’s on fire, but it sure would look that way.

Whereas I’m perfectly happy to state that I think it’s way more probable that multiple adults are account sharing and/or botting, than a parent + minor child are sharing an account for 21.5+ hours a day, for months on end. Especially when you see the number of accounts that are doing this. I just don’t believe there are that many (if any) parent/child combos doing this.


Me neither. While definitely a valid possibility, the likelyhood of that happening is almost nonexistent, especially how irresponsible behavior that’d be from the parent’s part.


No, they were claiming it was possible, not likely. Likliness is a different metric.

The house “could be” on fire. The liklihood of it can vary.

That’s fine! You’re welcome to believe anything you want. I don’t think less of anyone for having a varying opinion.

But as I stated, the parent/child combo is only ONE of MANY possible scenarios that could come into play.

Depends. My middle child is 18 now. He’s been awesome at video games since he was 12. He was 13 years old and dominating people in CoD, Destiny crucible and Starcraft. As long as his school work was done, I didn’t care how much he gamed. It kept him busy.

Why do you call it Witch-hunting? Aren’t we talking about enforcement?

Discerning whether a user is a bot or human is more so about identifying click patterns, the actual hours played just qualifies the degree of abuse. (Is the oldest roach in the building the ugliest one?)

Combatting botting is a long term effort. It costs resources to protect the integrity of a game and counterchanges are regularly made by bot developers to ensure their product is effective. The point I’d like to make is for Diablo 3, it makes little financial sense to combat botting, other than scraping the visible offenders off the leaderboards. Integrity doesn’t matter here, and they must expect it won’t influence whether players spend money in their new game.

They’ll save their resources and secret sauce methods for something worth protecting, millions in monthly revenue from D4.

I expect the gauntlet to slam botters like roaches sneaking into Masa — to the point it becomes a waste of time to even try it.


Witch-hunting is going around damning people based on conjecture, which is what the aforementioned person openly admitted to doing.

That’s for Blizzard to determine with their “investigations” or lack-thereof.

You are correct! I brought this up in another thread but the San Francisco police admitted that they rarely investigate identity theft cases and that most people get away with it there. They just don’t have the resources to hunt them down.

Which is why I said “lack-thereof” in the investigations.

No actually Micro specifically said botting is the only possibility.

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