Stop claiming changes to D2R = D3 or D4

I disagree, I think a major problem in D3 is personal loot and while many people enjoy it many people also hate it, it was a huge deviation from established the norms in the previous game.

I don’t particularly care if other games you enjoy have a personal loot item system, that doesn’t have any bearing on D2 to me.

I wasn’t even talking about ffa vs. ploot. The changes Sekscalibure has suggested in many threads involve removing items and even class abilities from the game.

A corollary to anyone who thinks for example that adding optional personal loot would convert D2R to D3, that means that adding optional FFA loot to D3 makes it D2R. A wise person knows that neither is true.

Another d3 player trying to defend himself. JUST WAIT FOR D4 AN LEAVE D2R ALONE BUD. YOU DON’T HAVE ANY GOOD IDEAS. salt on the cucumber was the original idea. You d3 people come along wanting pineapple and coriander on it instead. Go to d4 forum kid.

Eh, no. :pouting_cat:


Stop screaming at people, telling potential players to go away. We need every possible player we can find, and we need them to stay - if we ever hope to have Blizz decide to spend enough of the maintenance dollars that D2R will require.

Can’t afford to lose any potential players at all, so don’t be so belligerent when someone makes a suggestion. Almost no chance any will be implemented, so no need for the bile. Doesn’t cost you a thing if someone makes a suggestion.

Read the topic, rolling eyes, say “again”, watch the author, say “Ah.”, close the topic.

And yet, you made time to add to the commentary here…

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This isn’t wisdom, it’s just logic.

The argument people are making against personal loot is that they did not like many of the changes D3 made to the franchise, and because of that changing mechanics in D2 to closer resemble D3 is not something they would support. I have yet to see anyone suggest this change would entirely convert this game into the other game.

The point is moot anyway.
D3 does not have Timed Allocation loot, so adding that to D2 would not bring it closer to D3.

Honestly go play D3, D4 or PoE if you want changes to D2.

honestly go play d2lod if you don’t want changes to d2.

Diablo 2 doesn’t need changes, quality of life changes are mostly fine. There are some minor but huge adjustments to better align with overall concepts but ultimately have nothing to do with changing balance. After that, it’s all additional content, filling in the act 4 way points and quests, a4 merc and hero 8. Do we need an expansion for this? Probably not.

It’s clear there are people that want to impose their idea of what this remaster is supposed to be on every one else.

They will accept no change, even if they can opt out of the change.

Every argument they give has completely fallen on itself as the b.s. they spew out circles back around. They want D2LoD their way and will fight to make sure everyone is forced to either play their way or leave.

It’s really and odd thing to see. It makes me wonder how these people make it through life.

plotters empty words :man_facepalming:

right. if u can’t handle how game was and will be ur free to leave like rn…noone needs or misses u!

Will this be your attitude if they implement a ploot system?

How a game is now isn’t how it will necessarily be forever. Asking for future changes doesn’t mean we won’t play the game how it is now, it just means there are some future changes to consider.

You seem to think it’s one or the other. That may be true for you FFL people, but most pro-ploot people will play regardless.

I hate the term “remaster” as it is a club purists use to attempt to stifle all suggestions. Even Blizz calls D2R a “remaster plus.” It’s clear to see D2R is not simply D2 with tons of lipstick. Changes have been made to gameplay. It has crossed this line, so it is technically no longer a remaster.

The only issue I see remaining is how far those changes should go. Fair minds can disagree where the line should be drawn, but it’s clear no one should say, “D2R is a remaster so stop making suggestions to change it.”

And some of D2R’s changes have been quite dramatic. I know people are upset about the breach of promise concerning TCP/IP. Personally, I’m quite upset that ladder-only runewords are available non-ladder. This is a massive change in game design - providing non-ladder game play an order of magnitude power creep.

So, please everyone, stop trying to prohibit discussions about suggested changes by using the tired old “remaster” argument. It’s simply not true, and definitely not persuasive.

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sorry but there will never be ploot so it’s not my prob…u should get back to reality already and most pro plotter’s can’t handle anything else than crying and D3 tops

Oh my favorite D3 player is here, with more trolling.

i think u have swagged bit too much there…suggest u stop it rn.

go say that to devs and they laugh u out :laughing: