This debate of remake versus remaster is a bit silly. Here are the changes we know about pre-launch and Blizzard has announced more changes on the way post launch.
Latest News: [Updated 09/07/21]
-Uber Diablo spawned with 1 SOJ in Single Player, Bnet is still the same at ~75~120.
-No console lobbies, just more game selection choices. (Tomb runs, baal runs, ect)
-Ultrawide still capped at 19:9.
Auto Gold Pick-up
Advanced Stats Screen (Shows total FCR, LL, Magic Find ext)
Stash size increased to 10x10 + Added 3 more Shared Tabs.
Gamble Refresh Button + Item no longer disappears when buying multiple of the same type.
Cow King Kill Causing Lock-out Removed
Ability to link items in the chat window to show other players.
No game creation limit. (do limitless pindle-runs! )
New Battlenet System. (consoles need lobbies still)
No character expiration. (20 character limit hopefully won’t be max on launch)
Ladder-Only Unique Items Unlocked for Single Player + Non-ladder
Ladder-Only Runewords + Cube Recipes Unlocked for Single Player + Non-ladder
“Endgame” Events Unlocked for Single Player. (Uber Diablo spawned with 1 soj, Bnet is ~75-125. Source: PezRadar)
Playable on Xbox, PS, Switch with cross-progression.
Global servers (No US East/West forcing you to re-create. Simply switch regions before lanch to play with anyone on PC)
More Details for Mercenary abilities
Hold shift to compare items to equipped (no recommendations, just shows items side by side)
Enable loot drop names to be up all the time instead of holding Alt.
Ctrl click items into stash instead of drag & drop
WSG and Ebug Removed (clearly if these are changed there is going to be a list of others soon.)
Unique Appearance of all items now show properly on your character when equipped.
Character selection screen has ultra close-up of your character + A Detailed back-drop of current Act for increased immersion. (underrated addition)
Wide-screen Support up to 19:9 (removal of black-bars while zoomed-in possible compromise) (control zoom while holding F + Mouse wheel.)
More Accessibility Options (controller support, change text size, colorblindness, etc)
TCP/IP removal (Lame. maybe brought back in a future patch?)
Increased overall map visibility. (comparison video: )
Completely New Graphics Engine with Remastered Cinematics and Sounds (obvsly)
Optional toggle for “Miss” text to appear on monsters for better combat feedback.
28: Added In-Game Clock.
28.29? More Changes Coming Post Launch. New survey sent out 8/27/21. List of questions: *
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