STOP Asking For OFFLINE Mode

If you want offline mode, you are basically asking for a hacked game.

If you think botting is bad on d3, wait until you see the edited character files, armor/ weapons and 30 gems in a single socket like they do on console.

Also, the main reason there will never be offline mode is copyright. Blizzard will have to protect their profits and prevent people from stealing their game.

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Overseas military personnel cannot play online games. If they have an offline game on their laptops, they can.

Offline gameplay allows for modding. Even D2 has mods that people enjoy to play.

Online only will prevent certain platforms from being possible, Nintendo Switch being one of them. And yes, they added an offline mode to D3 for that system.

I want to say that there are more and leave it at that, but I know the response would be to say more, so here is another one:

Offline mode allows a game to be continued being played if a company goes out of business or the game’s servers are ever taken down. Both are unlikely in this case, but online only has murdered game in that past.


Can you accept 141+9=150 and what the game producer posted?

Neither can possible someone living in Antarcia, that doesnt mean you redesign the whole game, it means that small market of people ISNT Blizzards target audience. Unfrotunate for you but you cant cater to everyone.

And Blizzard have Stated THEY the owner of the game dont want it Mod. So yeah thats another NO.

So you think Blizzards going out of Business so they should rush an OFFLINE Mode.

Mate all all these arguements you want are complete TRASH and complete weak sauce at best. It hilarious you think there staple valid arguements that are going to get OFFLINE across the board

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What on Earth are you on about… OFFLINE isnt coming

Blizzard OFFICIAL have stated this and its a GOOD thing. Accept it and move on


No we are not going to stop demanding off-line mode for D3 and D4.

They want feed back and more importantly they want our entertainment $$ spent on their product(s). So, we want off-line mode (…and 64-bit native Mac and PC Linux game clients).

There is plenty of duping going on with D3 console. However, that is not a reason against off-line mode. The duping argument is like saying people shop lift so we should not have physical stores for people to shop in. Now, drag that concept and context back to the 1970’s/1980’s era. It does not make sense back then and it is just as faulty now.

  • Off-line Mode please
  • 64-bit native PC Linux game client at D4 release please (no wrappers, translation layers, or BS)
  • 64 bit native Mac game client at D4 release please
  • Off-line Mode please - Trash
  • 64-bit native PC Linux game client at D4 release please (no wrappers, translation layers, or BS) - Get Windows
  • 64 bit native Mac game client at D4 release please - Real Gamers Use PC
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I am not talking about offline. I am talking about a post the game producer made in December that you disagree with and have posted multiple times about. It will come to you…

Or you could link it and make sense otherwise happy to ignore whatever trash your going on about

After you DC your character persists for a short time until the server kicks you off, and you’re left with whatever state your character was in at the time of the server kicking you off.

Back in the early days of WoW they actually did use a save state system and when the servers got unstable it would often cause mass DCs followed by rollbacks of any character who DCd, and it resulted in a fair amount of duping happening.

It unfortunately opens the door to too much abuse.

Read the blue post from the game producer. It is in the OP of the thread linked below. Their projected max GR target is 141 in non-season. Crusaders are @ 150 in non-season.

My point is simply this: Everyone should feel free to express their opinions (even if they contradict Blizzards) as long as the poster follow Blizzard’s forum rules. You have every right to say that you disagree as long as it is done correctly. Others who favor the offline option should be allowed to express their view.


If off-line mode is trash then I guess D2/LoD was trash. By extension, online only mode would be online trash. Let me stretch that just a tad further… it would make D3 trash since D3 is online only. Awe man, now D4 would be trash as well no matter if they went online only or have off-line mode. Lay off the cigga-weed.

Get Windows. Why would I want to jump on board that fail boat of a product? Its barely an operating system. More than 80% of the Windows users prefer Windows 7, which will reach its end of life in 7 days. No thank you. I prefer freedom, diversity, options and choices instead of a slender-headed, greedy, corporate monopoly firm who does not have my best interest at heart.

Real Gamers use a PC? An Apple Macintosh “Mac” is a personal computer. Its loaded with proprietary hardware bits, but it is still a personal computer as compared to a mini, super, or quantum computer. I don’t prefer to use or game with a Mac but our Mac using brothers and sisters do. As such they should be always be welcomed into fun.

Now you run along and enjoy them Winders. :smile:


Honestly what really needs to happen is that they need to get a D4 forum up as soon as possible, so people can post all this trash there and the D3 forum can get back to normal.


Bah that bites. I would hope they do something to fix that.

You shouldn’t give feedback on what you think on how the forums should be done. Blizzard said to post D4 stuff here after all therefore that is final until they say otherwise.

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The problem was cheating. Get your HC character into a deadly situation, some would unplug the router so their HC character doesn’t die.

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With HC you agree on creation that you wont winge or cry about death and accept it. No Rollback etc.
Its a game. You die you recreate and move on .
Its not even Real HC as your stash and paragons are saved which is just rubbish in itself

Honestly I’d personally prefer a modern version of XP over anything else when it comes to Windows.

Windows 7 was loaded down with some extra crap I didn’t care about, though at the very least it was possible to more or less strip the OS down to the bare essentials.

Windows 10 is a nightmare of bloat and inefficient use of resources.

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If the game only saves AFTER you DC (as soon as the game think you have DC’ed), couldnt that work?
It means there is a risk of death in the time it takes to register the DC and save the game. But much less than in D3.

In multiplayer, you couldnt save the instance of course. There the game should simply ask the remaining players if they accept a pause, waiting for the DC’ed player to relog.

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Can we at least agree on nude Succubi?