Still Season 20 on NonSeason

Would be nice to Start the Season 21 on non-season. It is still on season 20. That realy cancels the fun for playing other builds with the new stuff

Reread your post… it doesn’t make sense at all. How can there be seasons on non-seasons?

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They have no plans for an era reset due to 2.6.9

Once patch 2.6.9 went live, the new sets and changed legendary items went into effect. That happened before season 21 started, so non-season had access to the new stuff before the season (which is the way it has been for a while).

Yes, which is why we queried a lack of a new era starting because the current era now contains heroes which got their ranks with pre-nerf versions of items / builds that post-nerf heroes will struggle to attain and heroes with completely new sets / items, e.g. Impale DH’s with a new HPS with 100% more damage.

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