Stash space, just for a character

From recent information, I understand more stash space is a technical issue, especially on the client side due to game “actors” and client memory.

So how about removing 5 tabs from the shared stash space and introduce character specific stash space (like D2 has) with 5 tabs for each character.

Either present these in a 2nd chest on the map, through a button in the char’s inventory or even better display them in the shared stash. This way the stash would be only be displaying the character specific tabs of the character being played. (Thus not the other character’s specific stash).

As I can imagine, only the character’s inventory is loaded of the character being played, not the other chars. These 5 char tabs could be similar.

This would allow us way more stash space, organize our stuff better and circumvent the technical issue. (Because other char tabs are not loaded at all, effectively having the same amount of tabs in any game).

I would really appreciate when this info is passed to the dev team. Hopefully this is a feasible thing. I’d love to see it come to life and go live.


Thanks for putting up this thread. I remember reading a few in the past on the older forums and didn’t want to make one myself. I am thinking that character specific stash space could help out a lot as far as stash space issues goes. At the very least it would only load the same amount of stash space that loads today. There would be no reason to load the personal stash of every character on that player’s account as well as loading in the other character’s inventories.

This could be the actual solution to go with, because it could solve the issue of stash space without them needing to give us more tabs. This could even be done much like Plug Y for D2 where you had both a character and shared stash together in the same UI window. With a button to switch between the two.

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OP’s idea is effing awesome!

You’d have to be able to mail to your other characters tho or have some small degree of shared stash space always open.

Or you know, enable trade… or maybe if there was a way to pick stuff off the ground or join an existing game recently evacuated by yourself.


There is no technical issue fwiw. And the fact that they haven’t switched to a system like this just tells me there’s other reasons for not giving us more stash.

I suspect it’s because they’re afraid if players can hold every piece of gear they won’t have to refarm it and thus they will play less.

Yea. Weird how they could take a simple request like shared stash space in D2 and make it such a bad system that we just end up asking for the old thing back.

Then you ask yourself something like “what about same-account character trading? Oh yeah. All they’d have to do to make that work is actually make 100% of the drops relevant to your own class – something that would actually improve the experience.”

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The idea won’t address the concerns Blizzard has as in a multiplayer game, you can empty a characters stash, exit, rejoin with a different character and now we have double the items/actors to deal with for that one player.

I’ve joined games littered with items in town, what’s the problem?

From what I understand they’re full of crap. It cannot be a client side issue. If it were it would be easily fixed. You do know the client stores no information between sessions right? All data is archived on the servers. The client does not need to load information until it needs it and it doesn’t need to cache your entire inventory in local memory. They’re just worried that their servers will be swamped by data requests.

I had an idea similar to this a while back but instead of having separate tabs for each char, it was 8 universal tabs and 5 class specific tabs. Some people have multiple characters for one class, this way they would be able to share between all those characters of the same class and be less likely to lose stuff. This would also fix the lack of space problem because you would have 7x5 class specific tabs and 8 universal for 43 tabs while still only having 13 loaded up when you enter the game, preventing the servers from crashing and the internet bursting into flames.

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Why would anyone do what you said. There is no reason to do that at all. Still there is no reason to have three other stashes on the players computer. Even if it is a holdover due to the days of the AHs existence. But if you know that in time you will be getting rid of them. Then logically you should be getting rid of the need to download three other stashes to a players computer. No linked stashes no problems adding more.

Suggested something similar way back. We’d still need a shared stash or 2. The other problem is Blizzard may be storing information per profile per acount. So having independent character storage may not help as the whole profile has to be loaded. Not sure if characters can be individually profiled and still be linked to an account profile without changing the fundamentals.

No stash space because bad D3 source code and they’re too scared to change it now because they don’t have the same people (I guess).

I’m suggesting this modification:

The player can manually choose how each of the 5 tabs acts:

  • Shared Tab (original)
  • Private ( @Faith )
  • Armory use only. (Similar to Private)

This way, the Armory can act a Stash Space too.

My concern: abuse of the Mail system.

I’d like any or all of:

  • shared tabs like today
  • private to char
  • shared only with class
  • shared only with same primary stat

I really don’t need 14 tabs available to any given character. Each character maybe uses 3 or 4 of my current tabs and I simulate most of the above by where I store the items.

My usual layout is:

tab 1 - gems/generically useful items
tab 2 - follower items and rare collectibles
tab 3 - Str generic items
tab 4 - Dex generic items
tab 5 - Int generic items
tab 6 - DH items
tab 7 - Monk items
tab 8 - Wiz items
tab 9 - WD items
tab 10 - Necro items
tab 11 - Barb items
tab 12 - Crusader items
tab 13 - inventory dump for current char

char inventories while not playing - remaining class items that didn’t fit on their class page

Normal players won’t do such a thing. It’s the pricks who want to break the game that’ll do this. Quality programming won’t allow for the possibility of this happening.