Stash Search Won't Reveal Unhallowed Essence Set

The recently introduced Stash Search feature will not find the Demon Hunter Unhallowed Essence set, regardless of whether the set name is entered, or the specific set piece name is entered.

All other Demon Hunter sets are revealed properly.

Since I play 99% Demon Hunter (I could actually calculate an accurate figure), and since I do it on six accounts, the Stash Search feature has quickly become quite important to me, especially in filtering gear from Seasonal play into normal Stash. I hope that patch 2.6.6 and Season 18 will include a fix for this problem.

Hi: You need to use the name of the item… such as Fiendish Grips.

Typing Unhallowed or glove won’t work.

Here’s a screenshot I just made:

If that doesn’t work on yours, would you please take a screenshot, load it on a picture hosting website such as Imgur and link the picture here.

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  • copy-paste the link in your message
  • highlight the link and click the </> button

To test this, I put all six pieces of the UE set into the stash and typed “hell” into the filter dialog. The expected result should that the UE chest (Cage of the Hellborn) and boots (Hell Walkers) would be highligted. Here’s the result I got…
…which seems to be working just fine. I vaguely recall that when this functionality was introduced on the PTR there were issues with it for non-English clients as the filter had problems with letters with accents within names. Can you confirm if you’re playing on an English (US) client?

I’m aware of which region he’s playing in. I was asking if he was playing in English because the names of the items are different in other languages. For example, the UE set gloves…
…are called “Puños diabólicos” in Spanish and, as per reports during the PTR where this function was introduced, the Filter can have problems with accented letters so that if you typed in “punos” it might not find them.