I’m running Tal Rasha Wiz with Star Pact. Each cast of Magic Missile (with the sanctified power) refills about 40% (of 128 arcane power). Feels like a waste to do the third cast of MM before Star Pact. What’s the best way to approach this?
- Cast MM 3 times anyway
- Cast MM 2 times (and forego extra arcane power from paragon and items)
- Change something on my gear?
You can do a 2-3 rotation so you cast full AP Star Pact when you have 5 stacks of Arcane Dynamo.
Starting with 0 Arcane Dynamo: Star Pact → 2 MM → Star Pact → 3 MM → Star Pact
Note that you can get AP back from meteor hits as well, so sometimes you may not want to strictly stick to this rotation.
I forgot about Arcane Dynamo. Thanks for the tip.
Simply cast meteors all the time. You will gain enough mana for your next meteor. The basic 740% damage is always there. This way you are actually doing more damage than inserting missiles in between, and you will also refresh teleport much oftener. People even use frost nova in place of missiles.
You only need to shoot missiles occasionly when dealing with single targets like RGs.
Of course you will have to shoot missiles if you use the F/R ring set.
The post was made last season when APoC was not available and instead used magic missile sanctified power to refill AP pool with Conduit on Magic Weapon.