It seems easier to farm the Gibbering Gemstone in Campaign Mode:
I tested this method by redoing the campaign with a speed Inarius:
- Normal: Mushroom: 1st try
- T10: Gibbering Gemstone: 3rd try
I’m not sure the level (Normal, T10, T16) impacts the search.
But It seems that the odds for finding the components are incredibly boosted in campaign mode.
Redoing the campaign until act III might take a while, but given the boosted odds, it is worth, and better than blindly wait for the Gibbering Gemstone to drop in Adventure mode.
Do it in Campaign mode.
I’m adventure Mode my results
Bone 1st try
L. Rainbow 1st try
Shroom 3rd try
Gem 10 th try (3 CoF summoned and on 3rd Chilltara I got it)
Plan 4th try.
Also i might add all these drops are not effected by difficulty. So my friend actually started leveling in these areas, and got everything by the time he reached LVL 70.
I found Gibberish stone on my 1st bounty runs (long before I started farming for the items)…
The next items took days.
Even Izual refused to drop the plan until I kept killing him for almost an hour.
I had reverse luck it seems.
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This is one way to get people to play the campaign agian!
Good to know.
In speed mode I don’t really pay attention to the story, but yes.

1 sample and you are a video guru?
It’s not true. Just tried it and the rare spawn in the cave isn’t here.
Unless you did not do it as part of the mission that actually 100% the Caverns of Frost, that would be impossible since it is 100% spawn rate, given it is required for the “story.”
That is like saying “I went to where Diablo is and he wasn’t there!”
You must have been in Icefall Caves, then, because Chiltara is 100% guaranteed to spawn in Caverns of Frost when running in Campaign mode. If Caverns of Frost spawns, that is - THAT part is not guaranteed.
You have to destroy the siege weapons in the campaign, but COF is not story related iirc.
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I didn’t use campaign for any of them because my campaign stopped being finished a long time ago. Probably when ROS came out, I don’t remember when they reset it. ICBF to do it again so I just got it in adventure, which was a bit more annoying.
For the Campaign ‘trick’ to get the Gibbering Gemstone you only have to go 2 1/2 Acts into it. Not necessary to complete the Campaign.