I got really blessed by RNGeesus on Americas region - my first GR (after finally getting to lvl70, that is) dropped an ancient Puzzle Ring. And on EU region, my first guaranteed primal was a Puzzle Ring “Do I keep it? Do I salvage it? Do I open a Vault?” - the first option won.
I’ve got the Staff of Herding plans a bunch of times running Sprinter. Could be a good way to farm it, maybe you should try that.
(/s in case it’s not obvious, 50min per attempt )
I would use the primordial ashes to make an ancient one. Wish you best of luck… wish everybody best of luck of course.
Finally did get an ancient after many rerolls.
I really won’t be wasting scarse Ashes on a Puzzle Ring when I don’t even have enough to unlock the potion powers.
Congrats with the result. You’re already above 800 with both Inna and LoD Necro. Soon primals are gonna rain from the sky
Lol, it’s a different struggle for everyone. For me it was RoRG. It refused to drop even after more than 25 act 1 caches. I preemptively farmed the staff, cause I decided to farm visions in the areas that you search for the ingredients.
Same here on a on bounty run. Real lucky first time I killed Izual.
Almost lost sanity trying to acquire rank 125 Whisper. Finally managed to squeeze one for the Altar.
Staff components almost collected, only Gibbering Gemstone left. Hopefully won’t take too long.
Then it’s just some shards and couple salvaged primals. Right now I’d welcome trash primals, not ones I’d rather keep like the last one, Trag’Oul chest piece.
People say this, but it usually takes me 3-4 weeks before I get the 7 necessary primals (6 for the altar, one to augment my main weapon). The odds of going that far before getting an ancient puzzle ring are almost nil.
It’s been different every season, but this time around the shinbone took me the most tries.
The rotten shroom is the new Chiltara!
Never had that much “fun” finding it (on Europe servers); would even say more painful than her imbecile brick ever was!
After ten runs, “the” room was there for the first time, but of course no formerly alive plant.
Started making dashes.
After 73 runs (!) the room had appeared exactly 8 times and the
“ingreedient” was finally there…
Now “only” need to have a heartattack in HC going for a Rank 125 Whisper of Atonement and then the expiatory stick can be donated to the void table…
I know you meant the Black Mushroom.
For clarification: The Rotten Mushroom can only be found during The Darkening of Tristram Event on Labyrinth Level 9. And it is always there… somewhere.
Okay good to know, I should have known better before listening to random person saying that in Chat as I’ve never got one from one before but others said they did.
Ye, ye, ye, I know, you wisenheimer. That is why everything in that post is “coded”…
In my non seasonal stash on the European servers I have a collection of some legacy pieces, e.g. the Nightmarish Staff of Herding that had to be crafted using a crafted Staff of Herding and a recipe you could buy from someone (forgot), the legacy Manticore that has two slots, the legacy Puzzle Ring that sometimes made a treasure goblin appear when you got hit (used it sometimes running GRs in public groups, long after it became legacy, just to see who falls for it ;-)) and maybe some more, forgot, and don’t wanna check now…
Just trying not to confuse any new players that might find these threads.