Stack sharing and GR pushing


No one seems to have the answer, so I thought i could ask here.

Is it ok to do what is called “stack sharing” during GRs, like is it considered cheating or abusing an exploit which could lead to a ban? Cause atm most people are doing it and its kinda hard to make a legit group, I’d just like to know if its working on purpose?

This forum is for reporting game bugs on a PC on the Live server.

For more information read: How to Write a Good Bug Report.

If you believe someone is cheating or using hacks you should report it to

Thank you.

This is why i asked if it was a bug or an exploit and if using it could get me banned?

General rule of thumb…

If you think it might be against the rules… It probably is.

Bannable though? No idea :man_shrugging: