Squirts Necklace is a little "too" unforgiving in it's current state

By this logic any class that uses FoT only has crap amulets too.

Once the new patch hits, “regular play” isn’t going to exist anymore. You know that right? You know this is a PTR forum, right? PTR also has a better sample size of top players since LB’s consist of all realms and not just specific regions.

Who in the top 25 on PTR is using it? Top 30? Top 40? I’ll wait…

Also, even Wudijo dropped the amulet, for similar reasons. Ironically he dropped the amulet on his DH with his current seasons DH clear as well.

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This is such a flimsy argument. Far less people play PTR compared to Seasonal, and how on earth did you come up with PTR having a better sample of top players?

The patch will affect Impale DHs And people using the new set. If after season 21 almost no top DH is using Squirt, you’ll have a point, until then no.

PTR is not a good sample for very obvious reasons.

It is true that there are far less casuals that play the PTR, but most top players are usually wanting to be the first to get their hands on the new changes and push with them. That is the norm. All of them may not push to their limits, but they are certainly clearing at the top. The names on the PTR are recognizable across the realms.

It effects UE also. Where have you been?

The point of a PTR is to test changes and effects. It makes no sense to wait until after next season, one in which the theme is doing all of the work, to make a statement about an item when the whole point of PTR is to give feedback about what’s happening on the PTR.

I’ll leave it at that. Thanks for the free bumps :slight_smile:

Yeah, and people are only testing builds that are affected by the changes.

You’re basically advocating for an amulet that is already commonly used to be further buffed when we have a crapload of amulets that never see any use.

Yes. Builds like UE with Hungering Arrow.

PTR. This is a thread based on PTR. Results shown are based on PTR. Evidence shared is based on PTR. Squirts is rare on PTR, I explained why in much detail by making a thread in PTR forums, from a high level player that currently uses squirts in high GR’s, on the PTR leaderboard. I have no idea how to make this any more clear.

I don’t disagree with you in the fact that other amulets need love too. Hell, i wish passives were better so hellfire amulets could make a return, but this isn’t the point of this thread.

If you made a new thread about requesting changes to amulets, I’d go support it. That’s no reason to crash this thread.

I’ll leave it at that. Thanks for the free bumps :slight_smile:

Where some top seasonal players are using Squirt.

PTR is not normal play. Far less people play it and less builds are being tested and builds aren’t pushed as much.

You do not buff an already powerful amulet being used by top players just because it isn’t used as much after less than a week of PTR.

Yes. Good question. Where? I could not find any top seasonal player who is using UE with Hungering Arrow and Squirts necks.

if used properly means if used where it works, group play or with a setup you can use it with.

that is not correct since a lot of people goes to PTR, tests a bit of things and then go back to push where it matters

they don’t push with them, they clear a GR that might be decent but not even close of what you can do

this. People play what’s new and do not push as much as they would on live since most people don’t want to do it for nothing and you have a lot of lagg. You play new builds, test mechanics, maybe touch a bit of the older builds to compare or see if anything is changed somehow and then go back no live to do your push. Only few people really push on PTR, because they love new mechanics, they really want to test some things to the limit or whatever but this is very rare.
Also, on PTR season Rob cleared 150 solo on a zbarb, does that really represent what is going to happen when patch go live? No, because people is testing things and breaking things so that blizzard changes things. Squirts is fine as is and it’s an item that, even if you can equip it in any class, it’s really good where it belongs, either on group or on a build you can use it without loosing it. Even if an item is not on top 10 leaderboards of one class doesn’t mean it’s bad everywhere, mostly because in this case FoT is really good since conduit and power is so good you need to fish for them.

For DH not even in group, because currently there is no setup you can use it with.

Maybe Impale lower lvl GRS. And that is about it.

I find it awesome if the devs could rework at least one of the changes purposed by DiE.
And at the same time I find it funny most players coming here to criticize the thread which was well written so it’s very easy to understand why of those changes. And also it seems that none of them played DH builds other than the new set now, they can’t separate things aside from GoD6 and they also can’t remember that most of DH builds are not par in balance with other classes as well just check the freaking leaderboard and compare for god’s sake. Now asking for a little change that wouldn’t affect melee classes about the usage of the same item is too much LOL.
I wonder why people always have to neg before even reading the whole thread.

Anyways DiE, great work and Feedback on that item once more, I think it’s very thoughtful and I know from where you’re coming with those changes because I actually did get to see live.

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The new Necro build could actually benefit from changes to this item too. But only because the set is not very powerful and we’re missing good itemization.

As it stands at the moment, the buff is up virtually none of the time in a GR, but you take 50% more damage almost all the time. There’s absolutely no benefit to using this item for that build, but it’s the only item that feels like it ‘would’ benefit that build.

I agree that they could make changes to improve it, so that the buff is up longer, and it’s less punishing.

An idea could be: You do more damage based on your remaining health %, you take more damage based on your missing health %.

This way, at 100% hp you get the 100% damage buff, and at 50% hp you only get 50%, but you also take 50% more damage. It gets more punishing the more hp you lose, and less beneficial.

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Its not that bad. It is a staple on every build I use and I have never found the 50% to be overly that bad.

Exactly, DH is not the meta or where to use squirts. and

nobody is saying DH is balanced FFS but the way to take him to the meta is NOT buff squirts, buff DH not everyone, why would you want to buff an item wich can be used on every class if you want to buff DH, no sense. I do think Dh needs buffs. GoD needs it, UE needs it, every set needs it probably but buff THE DH not everyone, change a DH only item to give something useful, DH could probably use some power on armour for cube or an amulet (but i dont think there is any class-specific amulet, and still FoT for pushing is nice) maybe even a ring that we can use with something instead of F&R.

I’ve been playing DH for a long time (likely even more than you), probably even every season at some point because i like it.

I did read it all btw. I’m not here to talktrash anyone, I just think what you’re suggesting is pointless and wouldn’t accomplish what you want (and that your arguments you’re using are mostly based on biased information like PTR leaderboards representing the high-end playerbase)

EU seasonal leaderboard.

Just checked and the 3rd DH on the US leaderboard is also using it. You clearly didn’t put much effort into looking.

Wudijo GR 130 using FoT.

First of all, this is complete nonsense. Compass Rose always rolls with one additional stat than other rings. Provided you are willing to grind for it, it is arguably better than other ring options.

Not sure which LB you’re checking, but nobody in the top 10 on either NS or Seasonal LB of NA are using Squirts right now (with one exception). Unless if you’re referring to PTR, which would invalidate your argument that the PTR LB is somehow irrelevant.

I’d be curious what GR clears you’ve had with Squirts (DH or other). After all, have you actually personally experienced the frustration of getting good density on a high GR but be unable to keep Squirts up, or are you helplessly committed to the way of EW or FoT?

That aside, a closer look at the LB shows that Squirts appears competitively only in certain niche roles such as RGK sader or wizard, both of which have expedient means to maintain their buffs (zmonk or shields). I can only wonder how much more competitive say, UE MS, would be if they made Squirts less punishing.

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Look at ptr season ladder @115/14:03 - seems to work for him (EW that is)

I may be mistaken, but I don’t think so. It has 4 primary affixes like other legendary rings, and two of them are always occupied with primary stat and movement speed.

I was looking at Seasonal US and EU boards.