just finished it with a wizard in expert mode… took about 2 hours.
thanks for the tips!!
You’re welcome.
Maybe I’m just overly dense right now but how do you go through cathedral at lvl 1 and how do you put decent gear on? Wouldn’t you have to level up quite a bit? I tried without looking at the guide and apparently need to do it again as the Butcher won’t unlock.
You are entering the Cathedral from Tristram, right? (Not the same Cathedral from The Old Ruins). Then, you go through the 16 Levels of the Labyrinth. You can do this on Normal Difficulty.
You equip gear as you find it. Just like you would when starting any game in D3. If you played through Season 19, you’ve probably stashed some gear and have some currency to help you out. If not, it’s just like starting a new Season with a Level 1 Character, only starting gear, no Gold and no Mats.
Not to start. Not unless you’re trying to play on a high Game Difficulty. Start on Normal Difficulty. If you kill everything on each Level of the Labyrinth and equip gear you find you shouldn’t have any problems.
Do you mean The Butcher Boss or The Butcher Pet? There’s nothing to unlock with The Butcher Boss. He’s in a room, on Level 2, with a door on 2 sides. You just open either one of the doors, enter the room and kill him.
If you mean The Butcher Pet: You need to enter Tristram with a Level 1 Character and complete all 16 Labyrinth Levels in one game session without dying.
If you need to try again, create a new Level 1 Character. If you’re low on Character Slots, delete a Character you don’t need. Make sure you stash their gear and their Follower’s too, first. Your new Character may be able to use it.
I’ve added The Darkening of Tristram: List of Achievements at the end of the OP.
I have now embedded Mnemonic’s 6½ minute The Darkening of Tristram Video Guide at the end of the OP.
As you can see by the number of times I’ve edited the OP, I’ve been constantly updating the information. This includes:
- Correcting typos.
- Clarifying information.
- Adding information.
- Adding missing information. (Like 2 of the Elites from the list under the Protector of Tristram Achievement. There should be a total of 40).
I’ve also added numbers, in parenthesis, to the Elites listed in the Protector of Tristram Achievement indicating which Labyrinth Levels they’re found on. Two of those Elites are Red Vex and Blackjade, indicated by the acronym UA, which stands for Unholy Altar.
I hope you find this guide helpful.
As you know, The Darkening of Tristram is about to return on January 3, 2021. The Temporal Cultists will appear starting December 31, 2020.
If you haven’t completed the Achievements and/or collected the rewards, now is your chance.
If you need to review the steps in completing all the Achievements, check out the OP above.
Good luck and good hunting!
Monday, December 26, 2022
This coming Saturday, December 31, 2022, The Temporal Cultists will appear. For New Players, this is just one of the Achievements you can earn for The Darkening of Tristram Event.
The Portal to The Darkening of Tristram will appear starting Tuesday, January 3, 2023.
For complete details (and spoilers) on The Darkening of Tristram, check out the OP.
Have fun and good hunting!
I do not hide from my enemies.
I do not run from my foes.
I seek them out; I hunt them down;
and then they’re quickly disposed.
~ 𝑃𝑒𝑟𝑢𝑠𝑜𝑒
As for the Cultist Pages - the ones that drop in Seasonal mode are account bound. The ones that drop in Non-Seasonal mode can be shared - i.e. you can drop them for your party to pick up and drop back.
About doing the achievement in a solo game (not SSF mode) - to protect yourself from failing just set your status to “Busy” or “Unavailable”, so none of your friends online can enter your game by accident.
Good to know.
I always forget about this because ever since I began playing Solo exclusively, I’ve disabled Quick Join.
Thank you very very much Perusoe for this extremly helpfull guide
If anyone is interested in The Darkening of Tristram Event, it is available only in the month of January. The Temporal Priests begin dropping Pages on December 31st.
New(er) players can get detailed information in the OP.