Speed S25 1-70 solo leveling under 30 mins (ICYMI)

Edit: Seems Blizz down Soul Shards drop rate quietly - so need more time (or rise difficulty) now…
Upd: 90% @T2

TL;DR: non-stop Kulle-runs on Normal difficulty → for Soul Shard (Dregs of Lies) 100% drop → salvage for gems → if not Ruby: repeat → then goto common steps…
(f.e.: Speed S22 Barb self-leveling 1-70 in 1h (VIDEOs))


  1. Shards are salvaged into random gems: 3 Imperial or 1 Flawless Royal (FR)
  2. Leoric’s Crown (LC) gambled at Kadala @ lvl 1
    (Alternative (guaranteed) option - Leoric’s Quest @ Campaign mode)
  3. Leoric’s Crown works on Followers
  4. 2x LCs with 2x FR rubies (for yourself and Follower) gives 2x Exp (+96% = 82%(U) + 82%x0.2(F)) => 2x times faster 1-70 lvling
  5. 2x FR rubies in 2H-weapons (for yourself and Follower) → additional profit
    (Switch weapons after every upgrade (give to Follower yr previous one))
  6. With a bit of luck → 1-70 lvling in less than half an hour…

Hammerfall, do you have a source for the Leorics Crown stacking? My understanding is that only one bonus from crown, no matter how many you have equipped between Cube, Follower, and Character.


EDIT: I misread the initial post.

Nothing to see here :smiley:

I don’t think he’s complaining, just trying to do a public service for anyone who might not know.

I just don’t think the Leorics stacks the way he thinks.


Yea that’s how I took it too I have not done seasonal in a long time don’t you have to beat the campaign again first or is that not a thing? I haven’t done a seasonal play since S10.

Read “Followers Mechanics Explained” @ Maxroll.gg carefully plz…


You only need to beat it once to unlock Adventure mode for the account, after that you never need do it again if you don’t want.

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If you read post correct, you will see that you get only 0.2 of followers extra exp amount. Crown on follower doesnt mean you have 2x crown bonus. It means follower has 2x gem effect and you get 20% of his exp bonus


In seasons you can start off in Adventure mode without ever having completed the campaign.

*I’ve only ever done Seasons, I don’t have the campaign completed in Non-Seasonal :laughing:

Yeah… farming Kulle is going to be quite the thing tomorrow. I’ve been practicing with a few classes… DH/WD can grab the Scoundrel’s bow for a huge damage boost at level 1. So just to clarify, the 100% shard drop on Kulle happens even at Normal difficulty? That seems like something Blizzard would nerf. Level 1 toons running around with Flawless Royals… should be fun.

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The main thing I’m worried about is server stability. With tens of thousands of people all doing constant resets of the game for the first 10 minutes of the season…


Unless you want to play Hardcore. Then you do have to run it again.

I am confused, what’s the deal with farming Kulle?

Also, the video is about season 22 Shadow clone bonus so… I am confused how is that supposed to help?! :open_mouth:

Guaranteed shard drops which scrap into imperial and sometimes flawless royal gems, most importantly rubies.

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You mean blood shard? I always wish I had more blood shard that the one from the challenge rift, so good to know! :smiley:
BTW is this new? Or am I just late to the bandwagon?! :open_mouth:

Whatever the season 25 gems are called but no not blood shards


Oooooooo… ok.
And they I destroy them I got imperial gems?
Cool! :smiley:

Even in normal difficulty?! :open_mouth:

Yes even on normal

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He can drop soul shards (the new, season 25 exclusive items) which, when salvaged, can result in marquise, imperial or flawless royal gems. So, if you get high level rubies you can put one in your helm (extra XP) and in your weapon (for higher base damage), which majorly increases the speed of your levelling.


I just read the patch notes carefully, this was not mentionned (the salvaged into marquise gems) or … I can’t find it.

Anyway, now I know. This is good stuff! :smiley: