I was hoping to get some advice/input from someone about my Trag’s setup.
I am a bit strapped for time this season (As can be seen with my tiny amount of paragon) so I am looking for the most optimal steps to improvement, I’m not just being lazy, would usually go for all the steps and stuff but looking to optimize the process.
I would love to know the places I needed to concentrate on to reach my 150 goal with this setup. I did a 141 (I think it was) over the weekend but can see that was close to the limit, could probably do a 142.
Would it be best for me to just keep fishing for a great rift (My current highest was on a decent but not great one, didn’t have a pylon for the elite pack on the guardian for instance)?
Should I rather just keep farming XP with my 130 capable Wizard?
Or is there some glaring crappy item I am not noticing? I know there are some rolls that can be better like not having intelligence on the rings and the not ideal shoulders (also not augmented yet). To me it feels like the items aren’t optimal but also not the actual problem.
So basically, is it a case of my items not being good enough, not enough paragon or do I just need to fish like a madman to get a 150?