Some help with my GoD build

Hey guys first time posting here and for the most part first time playing a demon hunter.

Was hoping for some help with my GoD Build. I am struggling to get passed GR 118 as of right now. I feel ultra squishy on solo. Granted I dont play solo’s too often so most of what I do is play gr 100-110’s.

Is there anything you see in my build im doing completely wrong or something else I should try? Also I feel it might be a playstyle thing as well, I feel quite a few of the demon hunters who have cleared 119-120 or so are geared less than I am and I still am struggling quite badly.

Your Dawn’s cd reduction on vengeance is far too low you can’t be in perma vengeance with that one. + squirt doesn’t help but it will probably never stack at that gr level or rarely.
If you have a decent quiver you’d be better off cubing dawn, or even going the 2h xbow road, if you have a good one.

Thanks for the comment. I agree with the Dawn point as I do have quite a bit of idle time with my vengeance cd. Also when I solo I dont ever use squirt. I have a flavor of time with high crit & damage & cold damage on top of that. My problem is in solo’s I very rarely find pylons. I’ve had several of these 118 runs where I get to the 5th floor or so and I have only had 1 pylon.

That’s all about luck.
Thanks to FoT even a very suboptimal one I do 100 speeds in 2-4 min because of pylons + nemesis.
I did 116 without fishing with a bad amulet, 2 augments, and no AD on gear.
At that point it starts to slow down.
BTW I use elusive ring in cube instead of COE, just because I’m lazy and like to spin in the middle of stuff, maybe you should try that.

So officially just beat GR 118 with 9 seconds to spare, I got a very lucky last minute conduit pylon or it would of been another fail. I changed out my dawn with another one that has higher cd and overall damage but no ad on it.

So again My character feels very underwhelming considering I have majority of my items augmented with atleast 100+ gems and there are people clearing 119/120 with barely any augments from what I see.

I dont have any primals that I can use on this character right now but I hardly see that as a cause of feeling this weak in solo gr’s with a very strong GoD build.

I’ve thought its down to several things.
Ballista better than valla’s for solo.
My Passives/spells must be wrong somewhere for solo. As I said I play mostly group.
OR I just suck.

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Something you could try is…

Drop Valla’s for Fortress Ballista. Yes, Valla’s will occasionally have Strafe fire off an extra Primary, but if you feel squishy, Ballista will probably do you more good.

If you really want that extra primary though, you could go with Dawn + Shield and take all paragon out of attack speed.

Fair warning, your sheet damage will go down when you don’t dual wield, but you’ll probably get that extra primary from strafe more often and so your sheet damage will be deceiving as to how much damage you’re actually doing.

There’s cheap crafted shields that don’t cost a ton of mats. Hallowed Defender or Wall of Man will do the trick and you’re likely to get an ancients just from running a couple of the required bounty acts. The shield can just about give the same defense as Ballista.

Or if you want to run with Ballista, take a few of your Paragon points and put them in Vitality. At 600 to 700K life you’ll see a huge improvement in Ballista’s Shield effectiveness.

Just some suggestions. I’m running with a shield in non season and running 130’s at 3.1k paragon. Just for comparison’s sake.

need more main stat and little bit everything else :expressionless:

Is your profile wrong?

It said you had 1500 paragon. Take a couple of 100 of that and put it Vitality with Fortress Ballista and you won’t feel near as squishy and so won’t have to be as careful in the Grifts. Your Greater Rift speed will actually go up.

But, the site could be wrong and if say you’re under 800 paragon, you could still put some or all of it in Vitality.

I quit season a little bit back but did a 116 at a little over 800 paragon with all paragon that wasn’t movement speed in Vitality. If I can do it, so can you.

But I understand the hesitation but if you’re willing to try it, you might be surprised by the results.

Edit: Apologies, I thought you were the OP.

That said, you don’t need the best equipment in the world to do 120 with GoD. Just need about 40% cooldown for full uptime on FoK/Bladed Armor which will also make up for a subpar rolled Dawn. A bit of Area Damage, but not a ton. 90-100% will do the trick.

More play time will eventually get better equipment but you can make do with what you have for now.

Thanks for the advice Idolis.

I think my next step will be to try ballista over valla’s for solo. I usually dual wield valla with dawn for groups so its just a habit. Also will add some more vitality

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I’ve tried the god build (single generator, p800, lgems @ 25, no augments) at GR100 and it sucks. I just can’t get it to work. Does no dmg for me, squishiest build I’ve ever played (molten patches on GR100 are instant awareness proc/death). I tried it in NS and had the same opinion of the build. I can handle GR100 with s6 impale with no issues, no deaths, etc. Cleared a GR106 with 7 mins to spare already, prolly can do a 110, but that’s at least 5-10 GRs behind friends running the god build…

Modus operandi is hit with hungering arrow when entering GR several times to get momentum stacks up, then strafe when near enemies, firing HA every 3-4 seconds, but it’s just not working for me.

It seems from other players clears that it’s much more powerful than impale s6 (around 5-10 GRs higher depending on the player skill), but I just can’t get it to work.

I’m not gonna bust my gut on the LBs with s6 impale, to finish with a low rank cos s6 impale can’t match god on pushes for the same paragon lvl, so that’s the season done for me. Onto other games/netflix/youtube on the PS4.

Future seasons will be seasonal journey only for the pets/xmogs/portraits and then back to other games, unless Blizzard can actually get off its rear end and balance the other DH builds to match the god set/build…

And yes, I’ve read about the god build and watched YouTube videos on it, as far as I can see, I’m playing it correctly, it just doesn’t work for me. Having to hit shadow power and smoke screen every few seconds is a p.i.t.a for me and not what I call fun. I heavily dislike button smashing builds.

You should fire it ~1-2 times a second - so momentum stacks stay between 19-20.
The manual generators add more damage, as it seems.

I manually fire HA 2/sec, but that makes it a button smashing build :slight_smile:

Hopefully the balancing patch will be a well thought out patch that gives us more options to be successful on all the leader boards, and have fun doing it.

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A friend told me to manually fire HA a bunch of times when entering the GR to get some momentum stacks going, and then strafe and interweave HA. Is that correct?

I just don’t get how I can easily do a GR100 with the same level lgems with s6 impale, and have no issues with dying, but the god build does no dmg for me and is ultra, ultra, ultra fragile. The best way I can compare it is if I was trying a GR120 with lgems at rank 25, p1000 and no augments with my preferred s6 impale build.

well, I suspect that smoke screen and shadow power give the build a fair whack of DR buff. Both have very short durations and have to be activated frequently, which is not my cuppa tea…

This is Blizzard we are talking about…

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You use Elusive Ring with Shadow 6, right?

Try using it with GoD6. There’s no rule that says you have to use CoE. In fact, it is entirely possible to do relatively high grifts without CoE.

Then you can use Shadow Power or Smoke Screen the same way you use Vault with S6, except that GoD is even tougher than Shadow 6 when used with Elusive Ring.

At least use it until you get used to the set. After that, only if you want to, then switch to CoE.

Point is, you can play with Elusive Ring and clear higher with GoD6 than you can with Elusive Ring and CoE with Shadow 6.

Just trying to be helpful.

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I use the Elusive Ring setup in farming with Yang’s. When I’m grifting, I go Unity. I find I’m running out of discipline when I go Elusive + Shadow Power and I don’t really want to swap my pet for Preparation.

Cant see your profile but at P800 in seasons and with the right gear GR 100 should feel quite easy. I only have a few paragon higher and use GR 100 to level my gems :confused: No augments either.

I’m on console (PS4), so no profile…I have to be doing something wrong, but I just can’t figure it out.

I love how Fortress and Squirts work together. The shield blocks all the little hits that can cause squirt’s proc to fail are deflected = more squirt’s up-time = better times over Valla’s at least while it is profitable to use Squirt’s. After the point that it is better to use flavor, obviously it doesn’t matter as much.

The problem is at higher GR’s, it’s hard to keep the squirts buff up. I’ve had some success with using Smoke Screen, but still hard to keep up.

After playing around with fort/squirts a bit, I don’t think the goal should be to always achieve 10 stacks in higher GRs. That goal is nearly impossible even with crazy micro. What I’ve found is that you want to maximize how often you’re able to build any stacks vs how long you can stay at 10, as with each stack you gain, you also take more damage, becoming increasingly harder to maintain at higher stacks. No amount of reasonable vit or even elusive ring is going to change that.

The biggest thing to note is that gaining shield stacks on fort happens incredibly fast. Once you lose squirts, it’s very easy to get the stacks ramping up again as that’s when your shield is strongest (less incoming damage from squirts).

The idea here is to have some sort of stacks up as often as possible. When one changes their mindset to revolve around this idea, the more effective the combo becomes.