Seems like some of the top botters were banned yesterday. I noticed some people were on fresh accounts. Like for example there is no longer a solo 150 seasonal clear for Demon Hunter.
Not sure how many were banned, but I’d like to know a rough estimate of how many.
We are committed to continuing to support Diablo III, including taking action against botting and cheating. Please keep in mind that we do routine actions to keep Sanctuary fair for everyone, and we will not regularly provide public notice of mass account actions.
Someplace there was a post or blog with a blue comment about there being more aggressive future banning regarding botting and the like, so could be some of that going on too.
But they aren’t going to give us any details, confirmation or otherwise, which to be frank is inline with their MO on these things.
It has always been easily bypassed.
Truth of the Internet and IT tech is that you can’t really ban someone for good. It’s impossible with the way the internet is built.
Not to mention that IP bans have a potential to hurt bystanders. Many people have “grey” IP’s, which means that they share IP address with sometimes hundreds of other users. Banning an IP in this case will ban lots of other users.
That’s the main reason IP bans aren’t popular.
In all honesty, Blizzard would rather ban a B-net account and then cheerfully take the cheater’s money for the second one. And do this over and over until the cheater is tired.
One purchase of a game copy doesn’t seem like a lot, but it more than covers for any potential “damage” the cheater can cause in a game like Diablo. Because that damage is basically nothing more than annoying a bunch of players who care about leaderboards.
And that’s not that bad, especially if all cheaters are removed in the end of the season, allowing legit players to be where they should be.
Not really… if you play this game, you would see that there’s barely any people playing now… Ban wave = even fewer people and it would be hard to get a group going.
Not only is it easily bypassed by use of a VPN but most ISPs give dynamic IP addresses to their non-business customers rather than fixed IP addresses. That means the address I have today might be allocated to someone completely different once the TTL of the DNS record runs out. Banning by IP would ban the person who got my old address, and I’d be on a new address and just fine.
Yeah, they’ve got hardware ban capability, so they should use it. Much harder to bypass and recover from without spending for an entirely new set of PC parts.
You can’t ban IP, becuase the botter may own other Blizzard games. Devs can only ban them in Diablo 3 for cheating in Diablo 3 and not other games. Besides most Internet Service providers use dynamic IP anyway. Banning an IP would be pointless.