Solo z-Barb GR150 solo in seasonal PTR!

but you don’t kill demons. that’s just a piece of code and nothing more. there are books that describe demon as very strong (rather extremely strong that hundreds of special forces can kill very easily. because they do that around the clock) and clever creatures. demon will surely not run like a fool with ridiculous weapons on you.

No matter what Blizz Classic team does with the S21 Theme I’m certain we will end up with the visuals we experienced in PTR at the least.

ex: During the Necro beta I and many others complained that the ‘uber’ form of the Necro looked more like a pregnant armored fat man than a scary Necro.
Blizz said they would fix it.

I don’t know what they did, but the finished Necro looks no different, it’s a pregnant fat man in armor waddling through the rift.

So for same reason I believe we’ll end up with the visuals even tho the Theme does nothing otherwise.

have a look at ptr forum :wink: :grinning: barbarian still manages lvl 150 very easily. even with 0 AD. so if that’s not an epic flop. this is now a comedy.

I saw it a few days ago when Eggman did the fastest zBarb 150.

Like Rob said:

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