I actually think of Mirrorbird as a very Wizardy wizard build, but I hear what you’re saying- it sounds like you want to feel more like “a direct conduit for the elemental forces of the universe” than “a summoner of other great powers” or “a master of misdirection” or whatever. Makes sense. That said, I thought of Archon/Vyr and Star Pact, in its various forms, as being very Wizardy, also- not sure if you’d agree with that or not.
I think that this is more a problem with overall interior class balance (an issue for every class) than with any particular set or build. It sure would be nice to have multiple competitive options- a long range fighter, a brawler, one that relies on multiple different skills for damage, one that deals huge damage in small increments of time.
You know… options!
I think a lot of it is going to come down to the ability, or inability, of various builds to leverage the “deathblow” effect. Any build that does its damage in huge pops is going to see a lot of benefit. Builds that chip away slowly, not so much.