Ive been playing solo and all I can say is it seems to me to often be random and usually at a bad time where its more harmful, than helpful because the lighting, weather change or the effect making what you can see harder to tell as to what’s going on.
Doubtful. The only reason I say this is because people used to say the same things with the 3 ring event we had a while back, but if you actually paid attention they were very exactly the same length of time when spawned.
What can mess with these events is teleporting to town in between. In town the effects usually don’t go off, unless you finish the teleport routine during the sound effect, then you might get the effect once you land. (this happened to me one time).
But I have been watching the effects closely since it started. If you aren’t moving between different maps too often (less than the 90 seconds) or teleporting in between they are quite regular. Try not to change maps during the foghorn, it helps.
As for the effects themselves, you can aim them somewhat. Face the direction you want the effects to travel and they will go in that direction. The poison bombs will follow you, but they only target 2 or 3 times and done. Twisters work best for narrower maps, or if spawned in the middle of a pack of enemies. The ice ball will go the direction your character is facing when the sound ends, but you need to aim it so that it doesn’t bounce wrong. Its like the hardest game of pool you can imagine, since it often changes direction in a way you didn’t expect when it hits a solid object.
The lava roll needs to move faster to be honest.
The lightning spray is nice, but watch reflect damage monsters.
You charge up the effects in between the 90 minute release by killing monsters. The more you kill, the more power it has.
But if you pay close attention during say a large map, you will see it be very regular.
Most people don’t realize how time passes while things are happening, so it can seem faster or slower than it actually is. You can do this by setting a repeating 90 second timer synchronized with the time the icon for the event starts. You will hear it go off when the foghorn does and probably be surprised to find its regular. I haven’t done that yet, but I might later.
I’ve literally had multiple weather effects going off at the same time, when playing solo. The whole theme is very much buggy as hell.
Quite frankly, I’m amazed they haven’t just disabled it, wiped the leaderboards, said sorry, and given us a three month long community buff like double goblins / double bounties.
Just got done playing for an hour. Have not seen any of this. The spawned events have never overlapped. Now their visual effects change and aren’t always the same. Those appear to be as random as the effects chosen. Sometimes the twisters spawn and the screen darkens a lot. Sometimes it doesn’t. Sometimes I see snow when something other than the snowball spawns. But the events themselves I have never seen overlap or go off any faster than 90 seconds. I literally just got done playing for a full hour doing nothing but rifts and greater rifts.
As noted above. Effects (from my perspective) are like the atmospheric changes that accompanies the events. But with events themselves, I have not seen a snowball roll around AND get lightning spray for example. In a party it seems you will see multiples, but I have not grouped up with anyone yet.
I have not had my kill counter reset till the event spawned (the sick foghorn goes off) or I go back to town which nullifies the counter. You can literally teleport to town, while the counter has numbers, do your thing, get back to the map before the icon resets the counter and your effect will still go off with whatever count you had.
I think a lot of people are simply not paying close enough attention to the timer. I was guilty of it at first, but I kept a close eye on it for the past hour. 90 seconds on the dot, if I was not in town.
Please don’t misunderstand me here.
This theme has issues certainly. And its lackluster. But I’m not finding (or seeing at any rate) anything like being described here.
I am not changing any maps
Happens in the GRs
And had literally one after the other many times even overlapping
Yeah maybe i cant time every 90 seconds but can be sure it is not 90 seconds if one is occuring right after the other one when i see both of them active on screen