So I was wondering if we could get a feature added

That would allow us to SORT out bags with a click of a button sometimes your just trying to fill up your kanai and you have waaay to many legendaries. All i can do is try and match up the icons the best i have but if htere was a easy button sorter it woulde be soo helpful. Could you guys maybe add one or so its not such a pain to check our bank

What are you trying to ‘sort’? And in what manner? More info, please.

Reading between the lines here, it seems you want an auto-sort on your inventory contents because you’re trying to see legendaries in order to work out if you’ve extracted them into the cube or not. Is that right? If so, the little diamonds next to an item’s legendary power indicates if it’s possible to extract it and, if so, whether that power’s already been extracted or not. Maskraider has a nice little table showing this…

OK thanks i was only asking because because i for somereason cant stand messy bags and have been trying to finally add every legendary to my kanai cube thats been stocking upmind you ive only been keeping legendaries in my bags so it got quite full thanks for the tip Meteor