So disapointed this build doesnt even do and dmg...barbarian build check it up

I figured it out the %dmg but it doesn’t even kill a unit why? the legacy build pls could you fix it up pls inspect my profile and see its a nice build the numbers says its more than set build but it doesn’t even do any dmg why…mby its buged with legacy…

Well, the online profiles are currently borked, so we can’t see what you have. But sheet damage is not a good indication of your actual damage. Most of the important multiplicative damage modifiers don’t show up on the character sheet. So chances are, there is nothing bugged about your gear, just that it is most likely poorly thought out.

You can also try putting it into d3planner and link it here.

Stop posting the same thing over and over. :-1::-1::-1::-1:


wtf you think im stupid iv been doing it all fine as descrition says…only lon build activated and all other ancient legendary and the gem looooooooool

Are you using the LoN rings and the LoD gem?

hey its yo boy, fo real thou, its bugged, bruh you think im stoopiid? he speaks the truth, I been reading I been searching I been testing yall, its description and shiznet … i only used lon rings and LoD gem together and it should work, peace

Uhh, yeah. If ya gotta ask…


LoN build (set rings) and the new Legacy of Dreams gem do not stack…

If you have both of them on…problem identified. It was PBCAK.

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Legacy of Nightmares does not stack with Legacy of Dreams unfortunately. Until you either send us a link through d3planner or maintenance finishes up the experts are in the dark about what your issue is. Unless of course you actually write out what gear you have on your barbarian.

Oh, and stop spamming threads. Does nothing more than annoy everyone.


:speak_no_evil: :speak_no_evil: :speak_no_evil:

Is that a trick question, luv?


Just copy the Battletag from the forum profile page url and replace the - with a # :wink:

He plays on EU and currently a earthquake Build.


Take a Screen Shot of your profile and post it in this thread.

Make you link here like this:

( ` ) before and after your link ignore the paren.

and it will let us help you better.

Not sure why people think they stack or why its a bug. LoD descripton does say “While you have no set bonuses…”, and LoN is, to my mind, a set. the description of LoN also says "While this is your only Item Set bonus ", which means it has to be a set.
Makes sense to me, at least.


Reading is not some players strongest attribute.

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look what a niice build I made I was so disappointed it didn’t even do any dmg MagicalSouls#2761

Can’t see you profile.

Please make a Screen Shot of your profile and post it here.

thanks! :slight_smile:

Is someone trolling us? :-1::-1:

Maybe he just doesnt realize what a zbarb really is.

why are some peoples profile blocked from us seeing them ?

The very first post at the top of this forum.