Skelos are you ready for tomorrow?

Yes, but the song does not make the man. I first came in contact with Sabbath in 1973. They are still not as good as Judas Priest. My all time favorite British band is Jethro Tull (the name of my Monk).

The song isn’t about the comic book hero.
It’s about an astronaut that’s been altered by a trip to space.

Oh Ian Anderson, Making darker songs than other “metal” bands with bard like lyrics and notes so most don’t actually understand songs like aqua lung or locomotive breath.

And who else can make a damn flute rock…

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And standing on one leg with a codpiece at that. Just for you starting at 4:13 the master at work.

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Ceremony starts in less than 14 hours, all aboard the hype train!!!:bullettrain_front::train::train::train::train::train::train::train::train::train::train::train::train::train::train::train::train::firecracker::firecracker::firecracker::firecracker::fireworks::fireworks::fireworks::fireworks::fire::fire::fire::fire::fire::fire::fire::fire::fire::fire_engine::fire_engine::fire_engine::fire_engine::fire_engine::fire_engine::fire_engine::ambulance::ambulance::ambulance::ambulance::ambulance::skull_and_crossbones::skull_and_crossbones::skull_and_crossbones::skull_and_crossbones::skull_and_crossbones::skull_and_crossbones::skull_and_crossbones::skull_and_crossbones:

Not sure how I missed that… Oh well, tbh I’m only curious this year because of the major f*** up from last year.

Whoever got the others, probably wanted them more than me, so all is well.

Thanks anyway, Avalon.

It’s against forum rules to communicate with a specific player in a forum post.

No, it is not since he hasn’t mentioned a battle tag or something.

Yes it is. If he wants to make a one on one conversation with you, he should contact you on battle net chat. I don’t care about a convo between Avalon and Skelos. lol

Then don’t read it.

Skelos has made many threads / posts about what he considers will be announced at this year’s BlizzCon. This thread is asking him how he’ll react if those announcements don’t happen. It’s just as relevant as Skelos’s non-stop hype train stuff.

But it’s against forum rules so… yeah… that’s my point.

I’m genuinely intrigued to see you back that claim up as you’ve made it twice now. Which rule?

I meant that you actually don’t know his intention only from the wording “Skelos”. It’s understandable he wants that, but if we were in court for example you don’t have evidence about this only from a single word. That is what I meant, so strictly speaking it is not against forum rules haha.

Ok I skimmed through the rules. It’s not against the rules to make a thread specifically to communicate with one other player. But dang, my memory isn’t as good as it used to be. I could have swore I read that, but it was probably 10 years ago on the WOW forums lol. Memory can play tricks on people.

By the way I’m super hyped!

It’s coming home! Finally a Diablo Blizzcon!

Leaks and news will rain in the next hours. If I were there I would be running to the demo station and hiding there ROFL.

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It is one of those semi grey areas in the written rules that Blizz has clarified via blue posts. Making a thread to call out another player by name, for any reason, can get it removed. Most of the time call out threads are negative to accuse someone of something like botting, or to instigate fights. Rarely are they constructive and positive. Blizzard considers call out threads Harassment or Trolling, depending on what is going on.

Rarely, the thread using someone’s name is neutral or positive. Even those are technically not allowed.

So, you were not wrong about the rules and it still comes up from time to time. Question for Miss Cheetah - #21 by Nevalistis

We don’t permit the calling out of others on these forums, for any reason, and the fact corrections that need to have been stated have already taken place, so I’m locking this down.

Thanks Meteorblade, I will keep that in mind!

Ok so I’m not totally crazy! Just mostly crazy. haha :stuck_out_tongue:
4 hours and 21 min till the opening ceremony!

That’s a man ironing, not Iron Man.