Siphon Blood > Death Nova relationship

anyone use Death Nova key on keyboard? and why cant we use another skill on the Trag Oul build? Seems super easy playable build but it feels weird when you dont use a skill.
So “increases Spihon Blood” on items more important than “incireases Death Nova”? Or can we try to increases them both?

It is actually tricky here. In most builds we use simulacrum (blood and bones rune) - those 2 pals cast nova when you do and most importantly they can trigger Area Damage (blood nova from iron rose doesn’t). Without death nova on your skillbar they will cast the unruned death nova. As you can read Trag Oul’s set gives +10000% dmg to health spending abilities and only the blood nova rune makes it spend health

I am not sure if I understood your question but Siphon Blood is in this build only to trigger Iron Rose - it is not dealing any damage. All damage comes from Death Nova - we want death nova %dmg on pieces of gear that can roll them.

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so we put “incirease Death Nova” on items?

siphon blood is used to increase blood nova dmg, so yes we need incrs death nova on item

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