Single Player Offline Option

I believe the reason they won’t support offline mode is because having online validation of the game deters pirating as well as cheats being introduced.


I’m not part of your bloody playerbase. Either make some friends or learn to entertain yourself. I have no interest in playing Diablo with random strangers. That’s what WoW is for.

And it is unacceptable that D3 - and one day D4 - are plagued by constant lag and occasional disconnects, no matter how good your internet is, because of Blizzard’s failures and insistence on a ridiculous online-only requirement even when playing single-player in a traditionally single-player franchise in a traditionally single-player genre.

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Then don’t accept it, and truly remove yourself from the playerbase. Please.

Have fun talking to yourself.

And Alot of People think its a Great Decision and nobody has come up with NON SELFISH reasons as to why Blizzard should change their mind

People need to give this up already, all Diablo games from now on will have an online requirement. I’m not all that thrilled about it either, but if you focus so intensely on one feature that you disagree with, it will be difficult to enjoy the game.
We all have things we would change about the game, and we all need to accept that there is no such thing as a 100% perfect-in-every-way game. You will enjoy the game more when you can accept this and compromise, and be happy with what we do have.

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There is a 100% perfect in every way game

It’s called Tetris

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You bought a license to be able to play the game on Blizz’s servers. That is the way it is. Even with games that do have offline support you still don’t own the game itself. You just own a physical copy of the game. The actual game is owned by the company that makes it. If you actually owned the game then you could do whatever you wanted with it. Even making money off of it because you have full ownership. But that isn’t the case with any game you buy.

You are either buying the license to play the game on the company’s server. Or you are buying the game with the right to play it on your computer.

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There are some stupid people in this world and ShadowAegis, Noodles and Keyblade are just some of them, no point in trying to debate with these guys because they won’t listen even if you wrote a full paragraph of text explaining everything in detail to why and how an offline mode would be beneficial
people like this would just get grumpy and wouldn’t accept it, just immature.
Just guessing how the system works without actual knowledge and then spread misinformation about things because it suits them and nothing more is just pure trolling, if you ask me.

With that said; when Diablo 4 comes out we shall see if it has online only or if they decide to actually listen to their own player base and add a controlled offline mode to the game and then we shall get answer to how much money they lose or gain on it.

I’m out.


D3 was mostly Online only to funnel people into the Auction House to reap maximum company profits until the Fed shut it down with some new Internet Virtual Currency Law!

D4 will unfortunately probably be Online only because Blizzard wants to suck micro-transaction monies out of their customers like greedy corporate vampires!

Any other Online only excuses are just fanboy safe-spaces to hideout in because they can’t handle the truth!


Another one post wonder who whats people to work for free, so he/she can sit at home and play games all day. No one if forcing you to pay for MTs. I know people who have spent way more money on PoE MTs, vs playing Diablo. So get back in the basement you troll.

Unfortunately you may be out of luck. The need to protect theirngsme outweighs those with bad/limited connections.

Thats two entirely different payment models, though.

If D4 is free to play with an mtx store, nobody could argue they’re being greedy (assuming its done fairly. I’m not talking Bethesda greed here).

If D4 is $70 or $80 for the base game, with $30 or more for each expansion, AND has a cash shop on top of all of that… ehhh, thats a bit sketchy. Thats double-dipping into two separate payment models. The whole point of f2p was to give players a DIFFERENT payment model to buy-to-play.

Free to play was not ever intended to be used WITH buy-to-play. Thats an abuse of the payment model, and any company doing that is… morally questionable, lets say.


i think its all a question of content
if you are bringing out a huge game that costed years of development and tons of money, it should have some base price like 60€
and if they bring out further content in DLCs, ofc they can have a price too
the alternative to that is, you are paying every month to play the game
thats 2 models
imo. MTX is an other thing, additional to that
you want some nice, cool looks or even more convenient gameplay (more xp), you gotta pay for it
im fine with that its all additional to, what we aready got, which is a lot (if it is)

Everything in life and gaming has pros and cons the cons in the case of offline mode far outweigh the cons. The cost of chasing after pirated servers when they find out about them. Along with the cost of chasing after new types of cheaters. Both would eat up any profit that Blizz would get for adding offline mode.

I know human nature, if people are given the tools that can allow them to make cheats that they can take to the online portion of a game then they will use those tools. It is not a matter of if but when. Don’t think that Blizz can pull of the unsinkable separation. What is more likely to happen is instead of the true unsinkable SOS Titanic. They would have it where the SOS Titanic sinks very fast due to hitting the cheater’s iceberg.

We like a lot of other people know the dangers of offline mode and that is why we don’t want it.

We know what happened with D3 and there isn’t any likelihood that D4 will be any different. If anything it would be more likely that D3 would get offline mode before D4 due to the fact that they are shooting for more of an MMO-lite game with D4 due to all of the multiplayer stuff.

If this was the sole reason for no offline mode in D3 then D3 would’ve gotten one by now. Since it hasn’t that means there are other reasons why. Here is an article showing what they are.

Online only is for the reasons that they give. It is not like everyone has to spend x amount of dollars to play D4 outside of the purchase of the game and any DLC’s and expansions.

I have played WoW for on and off and never did I buy the sparkling phony.

If you think that companies lie all of the time you would be wrong. There is no way of proving it either.

There are other buy to play games that have cash shops so I don’t see the problem.

Besides there have been those on the older forums that have said they would be willing to pay a 15 dollar a month sub fee if it means that Blizz would make more new content for Diablo.

It doesn’t bother me because I can take it or leave it. As long as I don’t feel forced to use it then I will be just fine.

First of all that’s what you think and not what you know we have both the means and the technology to make sure that he so called cons that you are talking about doesn’t happen in the first place. Nothing is impossible and if game developers from Blizzard stop being lazy then they would be able to stop it anything that comes their way. Pirated server is what will happen if they go online only and that if anything will lose them players which equals money to Blizzard.

You realize that there are far more cheats for online play than offline right?
I’m not talking about using a code that gives you an item but actually cheats that ruins gameplay like: aimbot, wallhack, ghosting, phasing, overboosting, map reveal etc. etc. there are so many harmful cheats that aims to give the players an advantage that it isn’t even funny.
More and more games today are going online so that’s the target market that the programmers go for and I couldn’t care less if people cheats in their singleplayer offline mode that’s their business because those cheats doesn’t affect me personally in any way, shape or form.
They can easily set a wall for that in-game that you cannot take an offline character online and problem is solved.

Look if you are talking about the item duplication that people did in D3 I can’t blame you for being concerned however again I must point out that Blizzard needs to stop being lazy and fix that override glitch that has existed for about 20 years now the same goes for other game companies.
The problem still persists that not everyone in the world wants an “MMO-like” game the market are crawling with it to the point of overflowing at this point
there is maybe a handful of players that actually find this fun sure but if you take a look at minority against the majority the majority wants an offline mode and while yes at BlizzCon when they said that it wasn’t going to feature an offline mode no one “booed” them but you also have think about not everyone in the world was there, it was mostly Americans, hardly something I would find convincing plus the letter they had with questions; that question came up “Will there be an offline mode” and they said that there were many people asking for it so there is demand for it we may not know the exact numbers but I think we could safely assume that there was a huge number that wanted it.

As a final thing I will say is this, it is true that most people wanted a better looking and a more content heavy Diablo 2 game (you should know why at this point) and then get met with a game that doesn’t feel like Diablo and then the people take a stand in defense saying: “Well if you like D2 so much why not play that instead?” or something equally snarky, well I could give you the same medicine if you want Diablo 4 to be more like Path of Exile why not go and play that game instead and let Diablo be Diablo?

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You really believe that Blizz can set up a Titanic defense that is unsinkable where no one could possibly bring offline cheats to the online portion. Tell that to Open IV creators of their modding tool that was suppose to be impossible to use it to take mods made with it to the online portion of GTA games that the mod is used for.

What taking close to ten years for a single pirated server that could actually exist. And that is if it is playable which is still doubtful.

It took 10 years for WoW’s pirated servers for classic along with Burning Crusades and Wrath to come into existence and be playable.

Ten years is a lot longer than the first day of launch which would happen if offline mode exists for D4.

There is more to getting offline cheats to online than just migrating characters. There are no doubt other ways of getting the same thing done if you really know you programming and hacking.

I am just stating how D4 is being made as a good reason why it is gonna be online only and why D3 would be more likely to get offline mode than D4, nothing more nothing less.

The whole point of the lack of boo’ing and lack of down voting of the trailers for D4 shows one thing that is clear. It shows that the majority don’t care if D4 is online only or not. The lack of offline mode is not a deal breaker, for if it was then D4 would’ve gotten the same treatment as Diablo Immortal did a year ago.

That doesn’t even show that the majority wants it. All it shows is that people want to know if Blizz is gonna add it or not. Instead of saying if you don’t add it we won’t buy it.

Yes I do believe, in fact I know that they can setup a titanic defense.
The code language they are using for WoW was LUA and that opens up the possibilities to mod the game and the GTA games are using a similar coding language that allows modding.
You could make a new script that turns that crap off it’s not rocket science.
If you don’t know then don’t speak of it and act like you do.

Oh really? Then how come there was private servers up in the shine and glory days of TBC that yours truly played on and everything worked flawlessly?
Not to forget that now-a-days it is so much easier to make programs that would allow you to make private servers within a 6 month time period.
I don’t know what world you live in but time isn’t standing still people are becoming better and better at making stuff.

Why are you even debating/arguing this?
I didn’t say anything about that.
What I said was that you can’t take an offline character to online this has already been proven so no matter how much you cheat on your offline character(s) you can bring that character online and if you can bring offline cheats to online then why the f*ck are you trying to make a point that online is better are you really that stupid?
Sorry but your logic is flawed and therefor it’s wrong.

And I’m just stating that both online and offline could be good.

Ok that must be most stupidest thing I have ever read in my life, I mean who the f*ck down votes a trailer that has nothing to do with online/offline play?
I mean now you are just scraping at the bottom for something to say.
The booing for Diablo Immortal was because it was only on mobile and not on PC, again it has nothing to do with what we are talking about.
The lack of booing here is because yet again I have to say this that not everyone in the world was there, it was only Americans more or less and it isn’t exactly hard to figure out that almost everyone wants Diablo 4 to be like PoE but with a Diablo theme slapped on it.
If a lot of people that isn’t at BlizzCon (for whatever reason) asks about offline play I think that is a testament to that people still want it.

Unlike you I’m not grasping at straws here you just want to win the conversation like you are some immature brat instead of applying some logical and coherent points, you are not doing yourself any favors here at all, all you are doing is making me raise my eyebrows in confusion and make me question both your intelligence and sanity.

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Warcraft 3 Reforged. Worst User Rated Game Ever (0.5) on Metacritic and even stooping to False Advertising! You can’t handle the truth so back to your safe-space ShadowReeeegis! I think Aieeeevalon is waiting for you, lol!


10 likes for this nonsense?!
-old D2 tribe troll offline thread, dug up from it’s grave.