I could just be oblivious because I generally don’t play in pubs outside of bounties, but I’m starting to see sheet dps being mentioned more and more on stream and/or in bounty’s when people ask.
I remember eDPS being the factor in Vanilla, ignoring sheet dps and throughout most of RoS players just used d3planner for a more accurate measure. Now i see players slotting emeralds in chest/pants with over 2k para trying to attempt 130+ GR’s, cuz sheet DPS…
Am I missing something here? Sheet DPS has never been that accurate, with many stats not counting towards your sheet for obvious reasons. Can someone enlighten me?
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it seems like a lot of it is from finding groups, esp earlier in season when they want to more easily differentiate people, and now people using it to “advertise” as faster. since season paragons were, for a time, more squished in a range than ns, a bad 1.5k and a good 1k werent as easy to tell apart.
but i agree its prevalence is kinda silly and can lead people to boost sheet dps either incorrectly or deceptively.
Sheet DPS and paragon levels are the only quick way to determine “power” when looking for people to invite to a group. Unfortunately, this measure isn’t ideal and can lead to bad decisions or unfair treatment. If only we had Vegeta’s scouter that we could use to see someone’s “power level” and then remark that it’s over 9,000.
For example, as DiEoxidE mentioned, some stats like cold damage %, or area damage, and pretty much all toughness affixes, do not factor into the sheet DPS. This could in turn lead some less experienced players to skip those affixes to inflate their sheet DPS and think that this is what groups want. Then when they actually enter a group setting, they could die a lot since they went full glass cannon and actually contribute a lot less than a lower DPS but better informed player.
As for the paragon level discrimination, it is true that there is a correlation between paragon level and overall character power since the more a player grinds for paragon, the more chances they have to obtain good equipment. However, the paragon levels themselves do not matter significantly unless there is a very large difference (e.g. 2000 vs 4000 paragon).
I made a post about Dexterity scaling vs GR progression a while back that illustrates that paragon isn’t going to provide a huge advantage until massive amounts are obtained, and even then it provides more toughness than damage when considering pushing into higher GRs.
Yeah I’m in a couple of in-game communities and either people as for 3m+ sheet damage or say they are looking for a group and they have X sheet damage. I never understood why. Looking at some of them, they have sheet damage, but very little support damage, like elemental, area, skill, etc. It’s really unfair to players like me who mostly play solo to find groups to even do bounties with when I can more than hold my own. I have never taken sheet damage seriously as it only skims the surface. I mean, I could put emeralds in my gear, swap out some gear to get to 3m sheet, but then I wouldn’t be half as effective in game as I am with the gear I have and god forbid I point out the fact that sheet damage is probably the most deceiving stat in the game. “Then how come everyone points out sheet DPS?” *facepalm guess I’ll not try to point out facts. My bad.
Y’ll made me look to see what my sheet damage was
Hadn’t checked it in awhile
I look at Leader Board sheet damage for builds with similar paragon to mine, but it’s only one thing I check. With GoD usually looking to see how they utilize AD or CDR. The how much para in vit they are using.
IMO d3’s inability to provide a true depiction of damage/toughness as the “sheet” dps is super frustrating, annoying and sad.
I wish I didn’t have to alt-tab over to d3planner every time I got what looks like an upgrade (cuz sheet) to find it’s actually a downgrade (cuz no ele for example)…or vice versa - fat red numbers on “sheet” and in fact a fat upgrade on real…
it should hence be referred to as “sh1te” damage.
good post in the other thread iria, definitely shows the power of paragon for defense. my sheet has actually been going down as i push up the GRs cause im taking so much dmg, i keep putting points into vit in chunks (think i started with 200 and now 600)
It has reached a lvl where grps ask for 5m+ sheet dmg for 110 speedruns xD. So people start boosting sheetdmg and dumping real dmg to find pub-runs easier. Ahhm yeah, lets water our Plants with Brawndo , cause Brawndo has Electrolytes and Electrolytes are what Plants want
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Past 3.5-4M I’d say it’s not about having perfect gear anymore, it’s all about PLevel.
I don’t see how you could go higher than 4M under 2k Paragon even full primals, and augments of acceptable level, say 120.
Well I just tried based on my character at 1839 PLvl on d3p, ends up a bit higher than I thought. 4.4M after I full primaled my stuff, with tweaked jewelry, and every paragon point in dex…
Some people live on another planet.
Sheet damage is dominated by Paragon.
Someone with 2000 paragon more than me will have higher sheet damage using a rusty dagger and ZERO armor.
Doesn’t make them a bad player, just sayin, it can be a bit skewed.