Since D3 is now part of Classic Games - Offline Mode time

@Kirottu - I purchased Overwatch with the intent of playing it. For over a month early into the game I ended up regularly in a queue trying to get in publicly with no joy. In the end I relegated it to an occasional play when I want to play something different. So in a way, you can almost put me in that label. :wink:

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Look there will be those that will try to get modded gear to work online. Maybe eve figure out ways of getting trainer programs to work on the online version. It is just too tempting not to do. When you know that you can give yourself a paragon boost of 5k+ easily. Legendary gems at around rank 200+. Augments around rank 200+. Weapons that have a dps of 15k+. All of that and more where players would be able easily solo a GR150 day one of a season within about 10 minutes or less.

If Blizz would fail to make a different code for the offline mode, which I would suspect them to fail at doing. I would suspect they would just copy and paste the online game to offline mode.

Doing that opens the door to pirating , all of the above and more.

Now you are asking them to make a big change to their online game just to support modding in case a player could be allowed to bring modded gear to the online game.

Why should anyone care if they are behind someone that plays more than they do. In fact players that play longer per day should be ahead of others that play less. That is why they are ahead. With that line of reasoning you could argue to make botting legit just so that other players could bot like the botters do, just so they can catch up.

I would say no to that because players would quickly reach that cap and have nothing left to shoot for.

Is all I “hear” from you…

Don’t do that, cause players will find a way to mod online gear. You mean like they did in D2 LoD where trying to play Closed Bet got you an instant BAN or like trainers for D3 in vanila days, yeah there were few trainers for D3 in first years after release…

You could even pirate the ps3 and xbox 360 versions of D3, even RoS, probably still can, but no one is talking about it…

When I come with a solution that won’t affect legit players, by giving a modded label to items all you can say is: Now you are asking them to make a big change to their online game just to support modding in case a player could be allowed to bring modded gear to the online game.

If moding wass allowed than those who are no lifing the game hard would gain an even bigger advantage from those who play 1-4h a day… At least those with limited time to play could clear highier GRs than usual, not being stuck in one GR range for years with any build they like to play not meta only ones. META builds would always have an advantage over non meta builds.

Oh you mean like players who had nothing to shoot for after completing D3 on Inferno or after reaching level 99 in D2 LoD? Players would still play the game, the only reason they could stop is if they got maxed out all the classes they play with BiS items in all slots.

Even if players got everything they wanted from the game that would give a reason to maybe increase the current level cap from 70 to 80, add new interesting legendary gems etc.

If Blizz announced a 2nd expansion for all platforms on last Blizzcon, that would deliver what a lot of players asked for and more instead of making a phone game a lot of players might consider coming back.

If they added modding support with 2nd expansion it would make all players who enjoyed modding in D2 LoD buy the expansion. Of course all yo can say is that “players would find a way to cheat their way to the top”, cause that’s pretty much the only thing you have to say, find more excuses to do nothing at all.
Honestly you sound more like a corpo guy than a player…


I still say that they would have to have a totally different code for the offline version. They just couldn’t copy and paste the same code they use for the online version for offline mode. If they did then you would have all of those problems and more. There are more people know that are a lot better at figuring things out than you know. Otherwise you wouldn’t have said and so what if they are allowed to bring modded gear online.

But that is not the PC version, that is a totally different version of D3 and it has problems due to offline mode because of the failure of separation. And again I would say that if this game did get an offline version Blizz would more than likely copy and paste the online code for offline. Then all any good hacker has to do is to figure out how to command the server to do what he wants the server to do. When that happens you have opened Pandora’s Box. And there wouldn’t be any going back.

Plus the time and money it would take to do that would still be a no go to the suits.

Like players wouldn’t find a way around it huh. Well I say they would find a way. If it means that they can take all 1,000 positions on the leader boards then they will do it. Sure they might get banned but that is what people would be willing to do when they know of the benefits of getting around such a label.

Look you want to use modding to get around the advantages of meta builds. You want modding to be your white knight in shining armor. Help me get back the advantage that people that play more than I do. Help me get back the advantage that meta builds have over my snowflake builds.

They probably just played other builds. Where here paragon is account wide. Now if they changed it where it is character instead of account then that would be a horse of a different color. It would take a lot longer to max out 10K paragon for all characters on an account. That is unless you only play one character.

We both know that they won’t be adding a second expansion. What would’ve been a second expansion was cancelled a long time ago. It was broken up and given to us for free except the necro.

This means no offline or modding. You want offline play the console.

Instead of being a corpo guy I am a realist. I understand why Blizz is not likely gonna do something. Understanding the company’s reasoning for not doing something is better than just trying to bash down a wall with your head that will never be broken.

Blizz knows that they would spend more money protecting their IP and making offline mode than they would make from doing it.

An offline version of D3 would be pretty cool, seeing how many people actually enjoy playing solo. It would mean less burden on the servers and everyone may get those extra stash space that many want.


@Merlock - actually that just twigged how they might be able to get around the random memory issues and slow-down with extra stash space for some people.
They could have a ‘remove’ function. It only adds one at a time at the moment so that may work if the new one added causes issues.

Man, I miss the ignore function and down vote button when
I read your drivel.


Or his quote trains that go for entire pages and turn the forum into a scrolling simulator.


Short Answer OP… NO

Twigged? Twitted? If they announced that they may have found a solution, that be awesome. Do you have a link to it?

UK slang.
It means you just caught on, figured something out, realised, etc.

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Sweet and thanks for clarifying.

If you don’t like what you are reading then why not just stop where you get to the point that you don’t like and don’t bother looking anymore. It is the same thing. Ignoring others by sheer willpower can work, that is unless you have very little to no willpower. I know that under the older forums I have done just that I have ignored. Or as in the case of others forums not posted at all due to a promise that I have made.

I am sure that you should have ample will to just ignore what I write. We will see though how things could turn out if Blizz would be dumb enough to give PC offline mode. That is something that I wouldn’t put pass them to do. If they are dumb enough to not only announce a mobile game at a PC/Console convention. They actually believed that the fans would just love it. They also lied to their investors right afterwards by saying that the response from the crowd was mute. I hardly think that the boos that they got would be mute.

@Merlock - no - your post inspired the thought - I’d call it an epiphany, but to me, that implies it is a guaranteed inspired solution. It does work based on concept - on paper. I guess we see if they read it.

It would be awesome to have an offline mode. Please make it happen Blizzard. Thank you.