Since D3 is now part of Classic Games - Offline Mode time

That’s impossible in D2, however it’s possible in D3 console version. D3 on consoles doesn’t split offline and online mode, D2 have strict lines inbetween them; yet still both suffered item dupe exploits. Allowing an offline mode doesn’t end measly there.

Allowing offline mode may not affect anyone’s gameplay but it simply invites such exploits beside piracy and private servers by giving control of crucial files to player base. That’s also a potential risk for people going around, playing alternative servers and splitting the playerbase and lowering their Monthly Active User numbers even further.

You can tap your foot down or hit your head up to a desk at the face “people’s stupidity” or send gifs on it for days, yet that doesn’t change the fact that as a fan or a whole fanbase, you’re not stronger or more important than money for a corporation.

They could release offline version of D3 RoS for Free and it wouldn’t make them go bancrupt…

They could even add a separate currency like I already mentioned in this thread to buy wings, loot pets, comsmetic items (maybe even some with animation), skill effects (like in POE) and still earn money on it, but yeah it’s easier to find excuses to do nothing at all…

Diablo 3 isn’t THE ONLY game they have. They already have D3 RoS for consoles, Diablo Immortal coming soon, Overwatch, WoW, Starcraft, Hearthstone, Heroes of the Storm, Warcraft 3 and Call of Duty: BO4, Destiny 2, Call of Duty: MW.

Torchlight 2 studio only had one game and no micotransaction which is probably the reason the studio is now gone. GGG on the other hand has POE, but I heard it was already bought by other studio…


And by that you don’t need offline either just play solo and ignore the LB in online mode, same difference
And the only people using an offline mode would be the 3 here asking for it and with it there will not be any new sales and since D3 is apparently part of classic games and pretty much in maintenance mode why spend all that money for the 3 people here that want an offline mode and they aren’t getting any return for it

And why the hell ask for an offline mode to a game that you knew was online only when you bought it

Yes, it is, I don’t understand the logic in buying an online only game and then whinge that there is no offline mode

You still want the full game for free, that gave me a good laugh. You ain’t getting it, can not grasp anything and you deserve all those gifs you posted here as a “reaction” for comedic measures.

Most you can get is a shareware version that allows offline mode. Blizzard ain’t gonna give you whole game for free; simply forget about it.
Why people bought it at the first place then? That’s a huge middle finger to those who bought it. Also this making it way easier for botters to get away with it when banned but you don’t really care right? I’m not making up excuses, I’m telling you how they protect the integrity of the game by keeping high stakes.

It’s not about the money only also, it’s about the responsibilities they have on protecting their profit in a large corporation so they don’t get swallowed by each other or investors turn their back to financially punish all of them.

You really don’t get it, neither care, nor want to understand. If you think it’s easy, go out there and create your own masterpiece and hope that you wouldn’t get swallowed by a bigger fish.

And I don’t understand the logic in giving only consoles an offiline mode other than slapping the face of the entire PC community just to get more money from console version…

You want offline mode buy console and get D3 RoS, how convenient…

D3 RoS is already stripped of so many affixes and different kinds of items or any other features compared to D2 LoD:

  • No sapphires, skulls,
  • No life steal,
  • No stat per level on items, no skill when hit, or on hit,
  • No jewels,
  • No charms (although that’s actually a good thing),
  • No runes and runewords,
  • Only 3 followers instead of 4,
  • Followers have no use other than being CC slaves,
  • Only 4 players max in multiplayer games, compared to 8 in D2 LoD,
  • No followers allowed in multiplayer games,
  • No chance to use other classes skills on your class with items (runewords gave auras to any classes),
  • Barbs can’t dual wield 2h weapons,
  • You can’t have two of the same legendaries equipped at the same time,
  • Can’t have more than one or two hydras (with legendary) at a time (in D2 LoD you could have 5),
  • Max 1 socket in weapons or off-hands,
  • Shields with max 31% block chance compared to over 50% in D2 LoD,
  • Skills with 90-120 seconds cooldown in D3 RoS,
  • Potions with 30 seconds cooldown in D3 RoS,
  • Many unique affixes like ignore targets defense, lower targets defense by value, attacker takes elemental damage etc,

That’s just BS, because even we got offline mode we couldn’t play with others, just solo the entire game. You would still need to buy D3 RoS to play with others of course if offline would be made as separate game not in game mode.

Don’t worry I know we won’t get anything what we ask for, at least not in D3 RoS. Wouldn’t surprise me if almost all we asked for would be present in D4, just to encourage us to buy the game. So suddenly pets would pick up mats and we would get different kinds of ramaladni’s gifts allowing us to either add a socket into anything we want or even a new affix.

Yeah I know they care more about money than what players want, but if they make a game online only then it should be like that for ALL platforms, not just PC while consoles can do whatever they want with their games… Otherwise you’re just showing the middle finger to the PC community…


Diablo 3 for PC was built around a developing social gaming platform. There was a huge ecosystem built into the game because that was the “next big thing” at the time they were building. Well the MMO craze collapsed and most of it never came to fruition. However the way the game works would require more huge changes to remove it and they’re not going to spend the money. It’s not impossible it’s just expensive to rework something this bloated with outdated code. It will not happen.

For D4 they could have that as part of the end game. Where it could be very similar to Path of Exile’s map system. It could be called realms instead of rifts. The realms that drop could come in different tiers.

Players would find a way of doing it. I don’t trust Blizz to put the true manpower and money that would be needed to truly separate an offline mode from the online mode. They would probably make the mistake of making the offline version identical to the online version. Then all that would be needed is for hackers to figure out how to get the client to command the server to give them what they want. Which would be making the changes you mentioned.

Where gear would have weapon damage of 15k+, augments of rank 300+, paragon in the hundreds of thousands, legendary gem ranks of 300+, all primals with affixes that the players need for that build. You would see GR150 clears in minutes on the leader boards. No one would be able to duplicate their feat.

Sure it would mean that they would get banned. But the cat would be out of the bag. Then the ones that would use trainers or other hacking methods would fly under the radar. Doing so in such a way as to not attract attention. They wouldn’t go overboard on what they do. They would low ball things to make it believable.

The whole point is that the remaining integrity of the game would be shot. We would see players on the PC forums looking for legit players just like the console forums. That is why I am against offline mode.

Besides Blizz doesn’t have to give it to the PC. There are consoles for that matter that you can play offline on.

That is not saying anything at all about piracy issues. Piracy is another good reason. Blizz has chosen online only along with only allowing us to have the barest of bones of D3 on our computers. Where any pirated server would have to recreate the entire game to give players a pirated copy and server of this game. I don’t know of any pirates that would do that.

With corporations it is all about making money. If offline mode would cost more money that it would make then it is a no go for them.

Actually D3 vanilla done what you said. But still I am sure that anyone with half a brain would know that Blizz Irvine (Activision/Blizz) didn’t make D2 nor were they gonna make D3 a prettier version of that game.

Consoles are different animals and no it is not about being biased against the PC. This was their decision and if you want to play D3 offline then play one of the console versions, maybe the new NS is your ticket.

Well you have d3planner. If you are referring to solo builds then no. No 10k or even 8k para bored enough to physically test theorycraft builds. Majority of it emulates on d3planner. We know HP of mob raises 17% per tier, we know their damage increases by 3% per tier. We know every 1 para gives 5 main stat. Its primary school maths to find out how builds runs / what the limit is.

D3 is nothing but numbers game in terms of builds/gear optimizations.

@Gasnick - wow that is cheating on a grand scale. seems the reddit people were right.
If the code becomes available for hacking by implementing a solo play offline build, this is only the tip of the iceberg. Somehow, I do not think Blizzard will allow that to happen.

I guess you missed what I wrote in that post… Check below how you could prevent from such “hacking” to be possible…

D2 LoD had hard coded limits on how far any affix or stat can go, how much gold you could have etc.

Anyway even if you had such crazy numbers on affixes in an offline game, how does it affect anyone else besides you? Sure if you do such crazy things in an online only game than I completely agree with you. This would be unacceptable.

Like I said before modding could work in online only too. Just set a cap on how far you can mod anything you want, not too low and not too high… Allow modding in “single player” only and give all modded items a Modded label which would prevent to put you on leaderboards even if you could solo 150 GR in less than 3 minutes…

Modding would benefit players who prefer to solo most of the time with limited time to play per day who can’t play over 6-10h a day and are lucky to play at least 1-3h a day, yet don’t want to be left too far behind the rest.

Besides offline mode or modding paragon should be transfered from season to non-season not based on experience points, but allow to tranfer your whole paragon reached on season to be added to your non-season for example if you have 1500 on non-season and 1200 on season than when season ends you would be have 2700 paragon on non-season… Of course max paragon points where you gain main stat or vitality would be set to 10k. You could still exceed 10k, but you would gain nothing from it exept for a highier number…

This way the none PRO or META players would have a chance to reach 10k paragon at least in non-season. Right now even 5k is a dream to many players…

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Get a nintendo switch or any home console and install D3 on them; end of debate. No need to discuss this further. There’s a reason why you are complaining and they’re counting money stacks.

They won’t allow someone to outbuy them by not protecting their IP; they won’t let down investors waiting growth and MAU numbers every year either. If they fail their responsibilities they’ll be a slave to some bigger company or their stock gonna crash.

I’d love to see D3 in offline mode.

But I have no doubt they never will.

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There are times when the wall is very wide.
And one can’t go over it because it is too tall.
But one may find a door in that wall and walk through easily.

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$50 for a pair of wings? lol…

Once again doesn’t read everything, just what you want and doesn’t pay attention to the rest…

The “prices” for wings and other cosmetics are just an example, they might me lower of course (arround 20-30$), but not too low and you could just farm all of the curreny in game too. No need to buy it from the store if you can’t afford it…

In POE some wings cost almost 50$, but you can’t farm the currency in game. You have to buy it with real money…


I know it won’t happen…

It was just to show that even with offline game Blizz couldd gain some money…

I’d also like to point out that there are players who have bought the special/whatever edition of Starcraft 2 just to get the Kerrigan wings. They had no intention to play SC2 at all, they just wanted the wings and paid lots of money for them.

Point being there are people who are ready to pay absurd amounts for cosmetics.

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@ Kirottu - you left out Overwatch and other games. As for whether they play them, who knows? There is after all, a difference between playing as the game you play most of the time, versus only some of the time.
As for the viability of cosmetics, the way I see it is that if you payed a quarter of a million for a Ferrari, you would not want it to look like a rust-bucket.
Some people like what they pay for to look as good as it can - to them i.e.
It\s also like eating your dinner every night. If it tasted great and smelled great, but looked like someone took a dump on your dinner plate, eating it is not as enticing is it? :slight_smile:

The Kerrigan wings from SC2 was just an example. I’m quite sure there are people who bought the more expensive version of Overwatch just for the wings as well with no intention of playing it.

That would be a discount. Used to see cosmic wings sell for 120 Euros on the Europe region.

Well PoE is all about buying the look!

I’m glad D3 didn’t go there.