Simulacrum Behavior

You said you wanted comments on the feel so here goes.

The simulacrum builds aren’t fluid enough for me. They don’t “feel” right or fun after awhile. It’s so irritating to try and position them. They need to just be glued to the necro at all times at a specific distance. I’m tired of them ending up in the walls or 20 yards away. I want to build the newest necro set using the newly patched bracers. It’s fun but as I said simulacrum feels glitchy and too often not enjoyable to play.

Don’t they follow you when you bloodrush? Only issues I’ve had with them is against wallers as the spears don’t go through them. Other than that it reminds me of DoD WD and is quite fun and satisfying when you get the kills.

Maybe I use blood rush too much so I don’t notice it. I have not played necro since it’s birth but bone spear got me interested as it’s something I played in D2 as well. But I spear/scythe around until I gather a group then use bone armor w/stun rune then blood rush away and start spearing the group. I also use zei’s gem though so further away the better.


Blood rush definitely helps but it’s far from perfect. When you get to higher GR levels and time is a huge factor, this really gets annoying.

The biggest issue is this. I will use blood rush and my movement speed will be buffed from my boots item. Poison scythe has pretty good attack speed. And there’s minions everywhere. When you strike with poison scythe, you and your blood/bone mirror images will swing. Then you advance forward and attack with poison scythe again. And you end up 5, 10, etc yards away but you’ve been attacking quickly. The images don’t snap over to your character. You have to stop attacking and walk for a half second before they teleport to your character. Well, part of my defensive sustain comes from the healing I get from attacking. The harder the rift, the less time I can stop attacking before my health starts really draining. If they just stayed next to me at all times this would be so much easier and effective. It would “feel” better and be more satisfying.

I did some ptr testing on using masquerade set and the new bracers. scythe will quickly get my essence up. Essence recovery being higher when my images hit. Well if they are too far away then it’s gonna slow that down.

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My two cents. Necro isn’t fun to play at all. Especially the new bone spear set. NOT FUN. Rats are barely fun anymore. but I cannot stand another season of necro being trash killer in metas

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Thank you for your input. I’m hoping if enough people complain that this will gain some traction. I really like the necro but you are right. Nobody really wants me in their groups b/c it’s better to have a DH or other character for the damage.